CB In Depth

Making the most of big data

Per Nymand-Andersen, adviser to senior management at the European Central Bank, discusses how central banks can benefit from embracing big data and what this could mean for the industry in the near future.

A new era for the BIS

As Basel III inches towards closure and a new BIS general manager prepares to move into his post, Jaime Caruana talks to Daniel Hinge about his eight years at the helm

Teaching machines to do monetary policy

Machine learning may not yet be at the stage where central bankers are being replaced with robots, but the field is bringing powerful tools to bear on big economic questions

Interview: Edward Prescott

The Nobel Prize-winner speaks to Daniel Hinge about time inconsistency and real business cycle theory, and explains why there is no ‘productivity puzzle’

Archive – Interview: Allan Meltzer

Robert Pringle talks to Allan Meltzer, Carnegie Mellon professor and chair of the US Congress’s International Financial Institution Advisory Commission (the “Meltzer Commission”); first published in February 2003

Where have all the women gone?

The number of women working at central banks has increased substantially, but a glass ceiling appears to remain for those reaching for senior management positions

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