Broaddus sees recovery continuing in 2003
Richmond Federal Reserve President Alfred Broaddus on Thursday said he saw the U.S. recovery rolling ahead this year, while cautioning that risks still lurked, such as a long war with Iraq and the seven-week-old Venezuelan workers' strike.
BIS meeting - Central bankers wary of Iraq war
Central banks need to watch the situation in Iraq closely and be prepared to act to stop any war damaging a modest world economic pickup in 2003, Bank of England Governor Sir Edward George said on Monday at a regular BIS meeting in Switzerland.
Central bank pledges support for Saddam Hussain
At the end of the second conference for Iraqi banks on Monday the Governor of Iraq's central bank, Ossam Rashid Howash pledged his support for President Saddam Hussein.
Baghdad puts out the welcome rug for banks
Iraq, under economic sanctions for 11 years and faced with the threat of attack by the US, is trying to attract foreign banks to the country. That's the message Issam Racheed Hwaish, governor of the Iraqi Central Bank, laid out at the weekend as he…
Iraqi central bank to hold conference
The 2nd banking conference organised by Central Bank Of Iraq will begin on Saturday and run for two days.
War cloud hangs over global economy recovery in 03
MEXICO - The global economy is set for recovery next year, once uncertainties surrounding the possibility of a war on Iraq are resolved, the head of the Bank of International Settlements said on Monday.
Iraq's central bank governor visits Burkina Faso
IRAQ - Governor of Central Bank of Iraq Dr. Issam Rasheed Howeish has left Baghdad heading for Burkina Faso to attend the 27th meeting for the council of governors of Islamic Bank for Development due to be held there over the period 22-23 October and…
Saddam Hussein meets with Iraq's central bank head
IRAQ - President Saddam Hussein on Monday chaired a meeting with senior Iraqi officials including the Governor of the Iraqi Central Bank Usam Rashid Howeish.
Iraq's central bank governor details new bank note
ARTICLE - Iraq's central bank Governor Dr Isam Rashid Huwaysh has explained the bank's decision to issue a 10,000-dinar banknote, in an interview with the Al-Rafidayn web site.
Iraqi central bank governor plans new note issue
IRAQ - The Iraqi News Agency asked Iraqi Central Bank (ICB) Governor Dr Issam Rashid Huwaysh several questions on the ICB's measures to minimize the problems citizens experience from the scarcity and destruction of banknotes which impedes the circulation…
Iraq, Sudan c banks sign cooperation agreement
IRAQ - Iraq and Sudan today signed a banking cooperation agreement. Central Bank Governor Dr Isam Rashid Huwaysh signed the agreement for Iraq, while Bank of Sudan Governor Dr Sabir Muhammad Hasan signed it for Sudan.
IRAQ - Monetary analysis
IRAQ - The Central Bank of Iraq operates directly under the instruction of the government. As its activities are rather opaque, any analysis of policy is somewhat speculative, reports Quest Economics Database 27 March.
Iraq to cooperate with Lebanon on monetary issues
Al-Quds newspaper reports on an understanding signed at the beginning of July 2000 between the Central Bank of Iraq and Lebanese banks and financial institutions on closer commercial co-operation. The newspaper quotes from a statement by Central Bank of…