
Iraq to earn income on reserves via NY Fed account

The central bank of Iraq is to be allowed to open a deposit with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York which will earn it millions of dollars in vital interest income, US Treasury Under Secretary John Taylor said on Tuesday 8 February.

Iraq's cb gets recommendations from USAID program

Bank Supervision advisors under the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Iraq Economic Governance II program have delivered a set of recommendations to the Central Bank of Iraq on assessing risks and designing enforcement actions…


In April 2003 the central bank of Iraq was reduced to rubble. Its offices were ransacked, its records burnt, its vaults partly flooded (it sits on the banks of the Tigris), and its governor had fled. One of Saddam Hussain's sons had taken about $1…

Iraq's central bank plan goes beyond basics

This article says that what's remarkable about the financial architecture for Iraq is the scope and detail the coalition brought to the task of establishing an independent central bank. In March, the CPA published the Central Bank of Iraq Law, which, it…

Interview: Central Bank of Iraq's Chief Economist

In an interview Mudhir Kasim said that Iraq's central bank published official statistics for the first time in 26 years on Tuesday (17 Feb). "This is the first central bank bulletin since time immemorial. The information we produced before was secret,"…

What monetary regime for Iraq?

This article, co-authored by Professor Steve Hanke and Matt Sekerke, says that the choice of monetary regime for Iraq remains wide open despite measures to establish an independent central bank, framework for bank regulation, and Saddam-free bank notes.

Iraq to talk debt with G-7 and IMF

Top finance officials from Iraq and Afghanistan will meet next month with their counterparts from the G7 industrial countries and Russia to report on progress in reconstruction.

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