
Mexico tightens monetary policy

Mexico's central bank tightened monetary policy on Friday March 28, according to a report in the Financial Times. The bank does not change interest rates but uses a mechanism known as the "corto" which limits the amount of liquidity available to the…

CentralBankNet Monday Special Feature

SPECIAL FEATURE - In an exclusive interview with, Professor Fatih Ozatay, the vice-governor of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, explains how the war in Iraq is affecting the central bank, and what it is doing to mitigate…

Bush meets Fed chief to indicate priorities

Fed chairman Alan Greenspan met with George Bush earlier this week to brief the US president on the state of the US economy, according to a report in the Financial Post. The meeting came as Mr Bush prepared to ask Congress for at least US$70-billion to…

Iraq cb governor's complaints re Iraqi funds

A report from the BBC claims that Iraqi TV has broadcast an interview with the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Issam Rashid Hwaish, in which he accused the US authorities of "an act of piracy" by seeking to take over Iraqi funds which had already…

RBA's McKibbin sees long slowdown

The U.S.-led war in Iraq will drain the world economy for years to come, sapping income from a wide range of countries, Australian central bank board member Warwick McKibbin has said, it is reported by Reuters

BoJ calls emergency meeting on Iraq

The Bank of Japan held an emergency meeting on Tuesday 25 March to discuss what effect war in Iraq might have on the Japanese economy, according to a report by Associated Press. The bank also announced that it would increase its purchase of commercial…

US plans to seize Iraqi assets worldwide

Funds held worldwide by the Iraqi government will be seized and transferred to the New York Federal Reserve for holding, according to a BBC report. This includes money held under the names of the Central Bank of Iraq and the State Organization for…

Interview with former governor - Iraq central bank

INTERVIEW - Salah al-Shaikhly was a Governor of the Iraqi Central Bank in the early 1970s. In an interview published by Reuters on Wednesday March 19, he told how Saddam Hussein's regime had ruined the Iraqi economy running up a debt of US$ 112bn. He…

US plans post war change to Iraq's central bank

The US Treasury is making plans for the running of Iraq's economy after a US led war on the Gulf state ends, according to The New York Times. The plans include the rebuilding of the Iraqi central bank and the establishment of a new currency.

Can't compare today's economic problems with 1991

ARTICLE - Stephen King looks at Alan Greenspan's testimony and says comparing the current economic position with the 1990-91 experience is rather futile. Both periods involved Iraq and at least one period will have involved war. Other than that however,…

EU Commission wants joint action by central banks

The EU Commission is in favour of a joint effort by all international central banks if a war in Iraq should weaken the world economy, financial daily Boersen-Zeitung said, citing an internal note from the EU's economic and monetary affairs commissioner…

Prodi urges more flexibility on Pact

European Commission president, Mr Romani Prodi, has called for more flexible rules governing the 12-nation euro zone, amid warnings that war on Iraq could throw the region's economy further off course. Prodi famously referred to the Pact as 'stupid'…

Gold price soars on war talk concerns

Worries that US Secretary of State Colin Powell's speech on Iraq could be a harbinger of war sent gold soaring to a six-and-a-half year high on Wednesday as investors piled into the traditional safe haven in times of trouble.

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