
Federal Reserve Board, Press Release, 20 Aug

PRESS RELEASE - The Federal Reserve Board announced on Tuesday that it will not, over the near term, incorporate two policy options into its longer-term Payments System Risk (PSR) policy plan. The Board will, however, continue to analyze the benefits and…

CLS bank waits on Fed approval for FX settlement

UK - Settlement bank CLS, aiming to provide a global system to cut risk in settling currency deals, hopes for regulatory approval next month for a full commercial start in the last quarter of this year, Reuters reports a spokesman as saying.

The Regional Economist, July 2002

PUBLICATION - The Quarterly Review of Business and Economic Conditions, The Regional Economist, from the St Louis Fed contains an article 'Beyond Risk Lies Uncertainty' in which it is claimed stock market investors will find out why it's so important to…

An analysis of the BIS annual report

SWITZERLAND - The Bank for International Settlement's annual report, released today at the bank's annual general meeting in Basle, worked hard to put an optimistic interpretation on global economic prospects. However, amid the positive notes the report…

Kohler urges caution amid market volatility

ARTICLE - Horst Kohler gave an interview to the London Financial Times on Thursday in which he said that the biggest risk in today's uncertain financial markets is to "give the wrong signals and exaggerate problems so that they become a self- fulfilling…

Confidence boosted as Japan shows recovery signs

JAPAN - Japan's export-led economic recovery fuelled a record improvement in sentiment among large manufacturers in a survey of business confidence. However the survey also highlighted the risk to Japan's economic health from the yen's recent rise…

Speech by Susan Schmidt Bies of the Fed, 20 Jun

SPEECH - Speech by Fed governor, Susan Bies to the World Bank's 2002 finance forum meeting in Chantilly, Virginia. Bies examines whether developing countries can learn from the US experience in banking regulation.

BIS Operational Risk Data Collection, 4 June

RESEARCH - In May 2001, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision launched a survey of banks' operational risk data. The Committee is now collecting data for the year 2001. This will include information on banks' operational risk losses and various …

Brazil clearance system up and running

BRAZIL - A new Brazilian bank clearance network designed to increase efficiency and reduce risk in the financial system of Latin America's No.1 economy got off to a smooth start on Monday.

Interagency Guidance on Country Risk Management

LETTER - The Federal Reserve, along with the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, have issued enhanced guidance concerning the elements of an effective country risk management process for banking…

Speech by Yutaka Yamaguchi, Bank of Japan, 7 Mar

JAPAN - In the speech Yamaguchi offers his views on systemic risk conceding that he may have raised more questions than provided answers for central banks. He stresses that central banks must continue to pursue these issues to discharge their…

Speech by Roger Ferguson, Federal Reserve, 4 Mar

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Back to the Future in Managing Banking Risk' Ferguson said "after nearly a decade of steady improvement, earnings from core bank operations and other measures of financial strength for the U.S. banking system have taken an…

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