
Trichet trial will not face delay - starts January

A French prosecutor has chosen not to seek new inquiries into the Credit Lyonnais case, averting the risk of a delayed trial for Jean-Claude Trichet that could have spoiled plans to make him European Central Bank chief next July, a lawyer said on…

Central Bank of Brazil COPOM Minutes

MINUTES - The Banco Central Do Brasil has published the minutes of the 78th meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM), 19 and 20 November. The Committee decided unanimously to increase the Selic rate to 22% in light of increased inflation…

Issing on the euro after four years and deflation

SPEECH - In the speech 'The euro after four years: is there a risk of deflation?' Otmar Issing of the ECB said stagflation was a bigger threat to the euro zone than deflation. This he said, "deserves much more attention than the risk of deflation". In a…

Issing: ECB not satisfied with inflation rate

European Central Bank Chief Economist Otmar Issing Monday attempted to debunk talk of deflationary risks in the euro zone, indicating that stagflation is actually a bigger risk for the region. The ECB's Governing Council meets this week and is widely…

Poland sees risk of delaying EMU entry

A member of the Monetary Policy Council (RPP) of the central bank, Boguslaw Grabowski, sees a risk of delay in Poland's accession to the euro zone because of possible problems in reducing the budget deficit.

Reserve Management in an Era of Low Returns

RESEARCH - Although central banks have traditionally conducted their reserves management in a conservative and risk-averse way, the very low interest rates we see now have caused central banks, like other fixed income investors, to search for higher…

MAS Press Release

PRESS RELEASE - MAS seeks industry comment from financial institutions on technology risk management guidelines, 11 Nov.

Importance of risk management stressed

ARTICLE - The risk management in Islamic banking is vital in the rapidly growing segment of the global economic industry, Mahnaz Bahrami, the senior economist for research and policy at the Central Bank of Iran, has said.

MAS Guidelines on Sound Risk Management Practice

REPORT - On 30 October the Monetary Authority of Singapore published its Guidelines on Sound Risk Management Practices. This set of guidelines aims to provide banks, merchant banks, finance companies and insurance companies (referred to collectively as …

Santomero on Process & Progress in Risk Management

SPEECH - In the speech 'Process & Progress in Risk Management' made on 28 October, Anthony Santomero of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia said the financial sector has come a long way in its risk management efforts. Basel II offers an unusual…

ECB Working Paper Series

RESEARCH - 'Should central banks really be flexible?', by Hans Peter Gruner, October 2002. The paper looks at a model where risk averse trade unions interact with a central bank. Gruner shows that central bank flexibility is not necessarily desirable…

Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk

REPORT - A collection of papers that were either presented or are based on presentations at the Third Joint Central Bank Research Conference on Risk Measurement and Systemic Risk, which took place in Basel on 7 and 8 March 2002 at the Bank for…

Management and Supervision, Cross-Border E Banking

RESEARCH - Basel Committee Publications No. 93, October 2002. The purpose of this paper prepared by the Electronic Banking Group (EBG) of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision is to further the Committee's dialogue with the banking industry and…

Fed 'lacks knowledge and tools' to burst bubbles

US - The Federal Reserve lacks the knowledge, foresight or precision tools it would need to pre-empt a stock market bubble, a senior Fed official said yesterday, and any attempt to do so would risk "severe collateral damage to the economy".

Credit risk measurement and procyclicality

RESEARCH - BIS Working Paper by Philip Lowe, September 2002. This paper examines the two-way linkages between credit risk measurement and the macroeconomy. It first discusses the issue of whether credit risk is low or high in economic booms. It then…

Speech by Susan Schmidt Bies of the Fed, 8 Oct

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Corporate Governance and Risk Management' Bies said firms of all sizes should continue to pursue strategies to manage risk. Following sound risk management, governance, and disclosure practices consistently is also crucial…

Speech by M R P Devakula, Bank of Thailand, 26 Aug

SPEECH - In the speech Devakula said that as financial regulators, one of the Bank of Thailand's main tasks is to provide a prudential framework ensuring the overall improvement of risk management of financial institutions. In the case of Thailand…

Fed's McDonough has advice for SA's bankers

SOUTH AFRICA - Bank capital rules brought up to date for a global marketplace must be flexible and take into account a bank's size and its risk appetite, New York Federal Reserve President William McDonough said on Wednesday.

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