Speech by Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, 28 Jun
SPEECH - In the Inaugural address at the Financial Sector Conference On Agriculture Husain said agriculture is by far the most important sector for Pakistan's economy. The forward and backward linkages to the rest of the domestic economy, to the…
Speech by Tito Mboweni, RB of South Africa, 18 Sep
SPEECH - In the speech Mboweni said South Africa is regarded as having a dual economy. On the one hand it is an emerging market with its fair share of challenges regarding economic growth, wealth distribution, and inflation. In particular, we face the…
Speech by C Allsopp, Bank of England, 19 Sep
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Macroeconomic Policy Rules in Theory and in Practice' Allsopp argued against using interest rates to burst asset price bubbles. "In my view, the most persuasive argument against using interest rates to moderate…
Speech by Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, 1 Jul
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Pakistan and the IMF : 1988-2002' Husain said the image of the IMF in developing countries and in Pakistan remains tarnished because of the burden of historical legacy, the increasing debate about the efficacy of the IMF…
Speech by Jarle Bergo of Norges Bank, 5 Sep
SPEECH - Bergo said in the speech titled 'Monetary policy, cyclical fluctuations and competitiveness' that through a sound, credible orientation of monetary policy, it is possible to attain an inflation rate that on average is equal to the targeted…
Speech by David Dodge of Bank of Canada, 18 Sep
SPEECH - In a speech titled 'Canada's Economic Performance After an Eventful Year' Dodge predicted further economic expansion and reiterated that the bank is ready to raise interest rates as needed to dampen inflation. He said the domestic economy has…
Speech by A Fazio, Governor Bank of Italy, 21 July
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Globalization, law, the person' Fazio said with the increase in wealth, distributive inequalities have been aggravated. Some countries have not shared in the benefits of expanding trade. International crises ultimately…
Speech by Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, 1 Aug
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Why does Pakistan have to accumulate foreign reserves?' Husain said "the stability in the exchange rate, the reversal of flight capital, the arrest in dollarisation of the economy, low inflation, the reduction in interest…
Speech by W. McDonough, New York Fed Bank, 11 Sep
SPEECH - In the speech McDonough said 'sadly, all too many members of the inner circle of the business elite participated in the over-expansion of executive compensation'. He was speaking to an audience attending a 11 September memorial service at…
Speech by Svein Gjedrem of Norges Bank, 30 Aug
SPEECH - Gjedrem said in the speech titled 'Monetary policy, securities markets and municipalities' that Norway has a well-developed financial system, but it has a small bond market compared with other countries. In the long run, a larger and more liquid…
Speech by Jurgen Stark of the Bundesbank, 6 Sep
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Cyclical and architectural issues of the international economy' Stark said even though recent news about the world economy has not been exactly cheerful, judging by the data now available, the world economy remains on the…
Speech by Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, 15 Aug
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Marketing Pakistan's Image' Husain said "in the end, I would just like to underscore a basic point: the development of a brand called Pakistan and the subsequent marketing of a positive image for Pakistan requires a…
Speech by Robert Parry, San Francisco Fed, 12 Sep
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The Economic Outlook for the Nation and the Region: A Monetary Policymakers View' Parry said "my basic view is that we're now in the midst of a modest expansion". While the recession hasn't been officially declared over yet…
Speech by A Fazio, Governor Bank of Italy, 15 July
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Fact-finding preliminary to the examination of the Economic and Financial Planning Document for the years 2003-2006' Fazio said in the 1990s Italy's economy grew more slowly than those of the other European countries…
Speech by Ernst Welteke of the Bundesbank, 6 Sep
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The International Financial Architecture' Welteke said any future form of cooperation in the field of financial sector supervision should make use of central banks' know-how in banking supervision and financial markets. All…
Speech by Governor, State Bank of Pakistan, 31 Aug
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Banking Sector Reforms - Current Status And Future Prospects' Husain said the country's payment system infrastructure is being strengthened to provide convenience in transfer of payments to the customers. The Real-Time…
Speech by A Fazio, Governor Bank of Italy, 26 June
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Public debt, saving and social security' Fazio said credit, money and securities markets able to supply a broad range of services and finance are indispensable for firms' growth; they allow households to diversify their…
Speech by A Fazio, Governor Bank of Italy, 15 June
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The North-East and Italy's firms - Development and the values of civil society' Fazio said with economic success, the typical problems of a mature economy have now surfaced. Difficulties derive from the limits of the local…
Testimony of Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, 12 Sep
TESTIMONY - In testimony titled 'Current fiscal issues' to the US budget committee on Thursday Greenspan was downbeat suggesting that the most recent forecasts of Fed policymakers, released in July, would be "somewhat lower" if re-estimated today. He…
Speech by A Schilder, Nederlandsche Bank, 27 June
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Social exclusion and the financial system' Schilder said that a financially stable economy and a solid banking system are key factors to allow better chances for social inclusion of the poor. If there is no such stability,…
Speech by Cathy Minehan, Boston Fed Bank, 9 Sep
SPEECH - In a speech Minehan said U.S. interest rates are low enough to stimulate the economy and bolster consumer spending in a "slow" recovery from recession. "This recovery will stay the course, however bumpy that might be right now," Minehan said to…
Speech by H Kohler, Managing Director, IMF, 10 Sep
SPEECH - In a speech titled 'Japan and the IMF - 50 Years of Economic Progress and International Leadership' Kohler said there are welcome signs that Japan may at last be emerging from recession. But the consensus among forecasters is that the recovery…
Speech by H Kohler, Managing Director, IMF, 10 Sep
SPEECH - Opening Remarks for a Press Conference on Japan by Horst Kohler, Managing Director, International Monetary Fund, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, 10 September. Symposium to Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Japan's Membership in the International…
Speech by M Moskow, President, Chicago Fed, 9 Sep
SPEECH - In a speech titled 'Open Markets and Expanded Trade' Moskow said "the road to recovery is turning out to be bumpy". He also said that "the Fed cannot, and should not, try to smooth out every bump. Monetary policy is simply not capable of doing…