Trichet on european economic integration outlook
SPEECH - In the speech 'European economic & financial integration : what is the outlook?' made on 1 October, Jean Claude Trichet of the Banque de France said the euro and the combined effects of recommendations made in the Lamfallussy Report will make…
Mboweni on monetary policy making in South Africa
SPEECH - In the speech 'Monetary Policy Making in South Africa' made on 8 October, Tito Mboweni of the South African Reserve Bank said that inflation has risen from 4 per cent a year ago to 11.6 per cent in August this year. The steep depreciation in the…
Moskow with a perspective on the current economy
SPEECH - In the speech 'A Perspective on the Current Economy' made on 17 October, Michael Moskow of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago said that although the near term poses some uncertainties, the long-term prospects for the US economy are remain good…
Bergo on assessing financial stability
SPEECH - In the speech 'Using Financial Soundness Indicators to Assess Financial Stability' made on 17 September, Jarle Bergo of Norges Bank said Norges Bank's Financial Stability Reports provide a suitable framework for dialogue with the financial…
McDonough on financial resilience
SPEECH - In the speech 'Promoting Financial Resilience' made on 17 October, William J. McDonough of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York said a general agreement exists that in order for countries to enjoy sustained and stable growth, a sound and stable…
Trichet on international financial architecture
SPEECH - In the speech 'The international financial architecture' made on 30 September, Jean-Claude Trichet of the Banque de France discussed the long list of financial crises emerging market economies have gone through in the last two decades. Against…
Dodge on the search for higher productivity
SPEECH - In the speech 'The Search for Higher Productivity' made on 17 October, David Dodge of the Bank of Canada said too much focus is placed on our day-to-day concerns with the global uncertainty. Over the long haul, the key to growing incomes and…
Challenges to Central Banking
REPORT - Learnings from the International Conference on "Challenges to Central Banking from Globalized Financial System" (held at the IMF in Washington D.C. 16-17 September, 2002.) Published by the State Bank of Pakistan.
Ferguson - the third Fed Branch building, Houston
SPEECH - In a speech at the groundbreaking ceremony for the new Houston Branch building made on 16 October, Roger Ferguson of the Federal Reserve said as Houston has grown both in size and in economic importance, so have the operations of the local…
Gramlich on methodology of benefit-cost analysis
SPEECH - In the speech 'The Methodology of Benefit-Cost Analysis' made on 16 October, Edward Gramlich of the Federal Reserve said scandals and outrages in the newspapers could easily lead one to be cynical about public policymaking and skeptical that the…
Through the looking glass into deflation
SPEECH - DeAnne Julius, a former member of the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Committee, assesses the risk of global deflation as quite high in her keynote speech at The Banker Awards 2002 dinner.
Ferguson on financial stability, central bank role
SPEECH - In the speech 'Should Financial Stability Be an Explicit Central Bank Objective?' made on 17 September and published on 16 October, Roger Ferguson of the Federal Reserve said that financial stability is and always will be of vital interest to…
Wim Duisenberg on the prospects for EU enlargement
SPEECH - In the speech 'Perspectives on EU enlargement' made on 14 October Wim Duisenberg of the ECB said the prospect of EU accession has triggered reform in these countries with macroeconomic stability achieved through structural reforms. However,…
Ben Bernanke on asset price bubbles
SPEECH - In the speech 'Asset-Price "Bubbles" and Monetary Policy' made on 15 October Ben Bernanke of the Federal Reserve said the Fed lacked the knowledge, foresight or precision tools to pre-empt a stock market bubble, "and even if it could identify…
George on the current state of the UK economy
SPEECH - In a speech made on 15 October, Sir Edward George of the Bank of England said internationally and in the UK the monetary policy debate has shifted back to the possible need for monetary stimulus. He said There had been a "nervous breakdown" in…
Anne Krueger on supporting globalization
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Supporting Globalization' Anne Krueger, First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund said that the prospects were good for continued economic growth and globalization in the 21st century.
Kate Barker on monetary policy and asset prices
SPEECH - In the speech 'Monetary Policy - A Perpetual Dilemma?' made on 14 October Kate Barker of the Bank of England questioned whether it was the role of monetary policy to protect individuals from the risks asset price bubbles pose and whether such…
IMF's Stefan Ingves on the Nordic Banking Crisis
SPEECH - In a speech titled 'The Nordic Banking Crisis from an International Perspective' Stefan Ingves, Director, Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department at the IMF said that the lessons of the Nordic countries in dealing with their banking crises…
Stevens on Australia's Medium-Term Econ Prospects
SPEECH - In a speech titled 'Medium-Term Economic Prospects for Australia' Glenn Stevens, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia said that the Australian economy is in pretty good shape, compared to other major economies, and has enjoyed an…
Statement at the Joint Annual Discussion
SPEECH - Statement by Ms Bodil Nyboe Andersen, Alternate Governor of the Fund for Denmark, at the Joint Annual Discussion, 29 September.
Duisenberg on the integration of financial markets
SPEECH - In a speech titled 'The integration of Europe's financial markets' Duisenberg said that after the successful introduction of the euro progress in financial integration took place with the safe establishment of the unified unsecured money market…
Parry on the economic outlook for the nation
SPEECH - Parry gave a speech titled 'The Economic Outlook for the Nation and the Region: A Monetary Policymakers View' and said his basic view is that we're now in the midst of an expansion that's both modest and uneven.
Speech by Susan Schmidt Bies of the Fed, 1 Oct
SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The Challenge for Corporate Governance Posed by Financial Innovation' Bies said unfolding concerns in recent months have thrust the quality of accounting, auditing, and disclosure practices of major U.S. companies into the…
Speech by J Alfred Broaddus, Richmond Fed, 2 Oct
SPEECH - Broaddus said in the speech titled 'Some Thoughts on the Economy in a Challenging Period' that by all appearances the current mood for both consumers and business people is pretty pessimistic and geopolitical risks have increased uncertainty…