
ECB Press Release

PRESS RELEASE - European Central Bank Decisions on the issue of euro banknotes and on the allocation of monetary income, 6 December 2001.

Report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

REPORT - A slight increase in the nation's economic growth for 2002 is anticipated by participants at the Chicago Fed's Economic Outlook Symposium. The group provided forecasts for major components of real GDP and other key statistics.

Federal Reserve Board - Beige Book

REPORT - Prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and based on information collected before November 19, 2001. This document summarizes comments received from business and other contacts outside the Federal Reserve and is not a commentary on the…

Bank of England Working Paper Series

RESEARCH - Does it pay to be transparent? International evidence from central bank forecasts by Georgios Chortareas, David Stasavage and Gabriel Stern of the Bank of England.

Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin - Winter 2001

REPORT - The Quarterly Bulletin provides regular commentary on market developments and UK monetary policy operations. It also contains research and analysis and reports on a wide range of topical economic and financial issues, both domestic and…

Derivatives and Public Debt Management - Report

REPORT - Derivatives and Public Debt Management is again available from the International Securities Market Association following its withdrawal pending the consideration of issues raised in relation to the document, 13 November.

European Central Bank report

ECB PRESS RELEASE - Publication of the report of the European Court of Auditorson the efficiency of the ECB's management for the financial year 2000 and the ECB's reply to the report, Frankfurt, 9 November.

A Look at China's Financial Reform

RESEARCH - A paper submitted to CentralBankNet by Wu Chang Ming, senior economist at the People's Bank of China, currently on secondment at the Reserve Bank of New Zealand.

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