Bank of Korea says room for more demand management
The government needs to manage the nation's aggregate demand properly and improve its import-dependent industrial structure in order to keep the current account balance in the black, the Bank of Korea said yesterday.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand - Annual Report 2000
The Reserve Bank of New Zealand has published its 2000 annual report.
The Zero Bound in an Open Economy
A very interesting paper by Professor Svensson ( going against the grain oftraditional theories of the cause and solution of Japan's economicdifficulties.
Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies
Book Review: "Monetary and Exchange Rate Policies, EMU and Central and Eastern Europe" by D. Begg, L. Halpern, C. Wyplosz (Forum Report of the Economic Policy Initiative (EPI)), (Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), 1999) 108pp, £25, ISBN…
The Politics of Central Banks
Book Review: "The Politics of Central Banks" by R. Elgie and H. Thompson (Routledge, 1999) 200pp, £60, ISBN 04151442
Latin America: Future inflation convergence
Leonardo Leiderman, head of Latin American Research at Deustche Bank and former head of research at the Bank of Israel, gives a report on the move towards inflation convergence in Latin America.
UK inflation to rise above target, says Bank
In its latest quarterly inflation forecast, the Bank of England forecasts inflation to go above its 2.5% target in two years time. But deputy governor Mervyn King says this does not mean interest rates have to rise.
IMF concerns over Czech National Bank independence
In its Article 4 consultation with the Czech Republic, the IMF expressed concerns over the changes to the CNB's legislation.
Central banks in European transition economies
This paper analyses the institutional framework of central banks in ten Central and East European countries using the ECB as benchmark.
Rossi on RTGS and liquidity
PAYMENT SYSTEMS IN FINANCIAL MARKETSReal-Time Gross Settlement systems and the provision of liquidity - Marco Rossi (Macmillan Press Ltd, 1998) 152pp