
Interview with ECB's Gonzalez-Paramo

Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Paramo, member of the Executive Board of the European Central Bank, gave an interview this week to Il Sole 24 Ore. In the interview he said the Greek case [where the deficit has clearly been larger than that reported] speaks for…

Greece doubles 2000 public defict to 4.1%

The Greek government acknowledged on Wednesday 23 September that the country's annual public deficit estimates from 2000 to 2002 had been sharply underestimated, a revelation described by the European Central Bank head as "an enormous problem".

Greek deficit breach likely to avoid sanctions

Greece announced on Saturday 11 September that its 2004 budget deficit would be 5.3% of gross domestic product. With national debt standing at 184 billion euros, 112% of GDP, or 50,000 euros for every citizen. However the collapse of the stability and…

Greece presents special Olympic coin

Greece presented the first commemorative Olympics coin to be denominated in euros, aiming to raise funds for its overstretched Olympic budget. The coins were due to go on sale Thursday 13 May.

Greek central bank warns on public debt

Nicholas Garganas, Governor of the Bank of Greece, has called for a strict adherence to the stability and growth pact, according to a report by Kathimerini. Garganas told Parliament that uncontrolled deficits will have serious consequences on interest…

Bank of Greece sets sights on fake euro problem

The Bank of Greece is preparing a public awareness campaign regarding the perils of counterfeit euro notes, according to a report by Kathimerini. The recent discovery of fake 200-euro notes in Greece caused the authorities to focus on high denominations.

Greece to mint 2 euro coin to help fund Olympics

Bank of Greece governor Nicholas Garganas announced on Monday 29 September that Greece will issue a commemorative 2 euro coin, according to a reporrt by Associated Press. Proceeds from the sale of coins will be used to help fund the 2004 Olympics which…

Greek central bank sells 20 tons of gold

The central bank of Greece has sold 20 tonnes of gold reserves. The Bank will invest the proceeds in a bonds portfolio including Greek government and other top-grade bank paper, its deputy governor Nikos Paleokrassas told Agence France-Presse.

Garganas under fire on salaries

In an interview published on Saturday May 24 by kathimerini, Bank of Greece chief Nikos Garganas warned that unchecked pay increases would boost inflation, reduce competitiveness and lead to job losses. But his comments drew criticism from government and…

France backs Duisenberg to extend ECB term

The meeting of finance ministers and central bankers in Athens on Friday is likely to support moves to extend Wim Duisenberg's tenure as president of the European Central Bank, according to a report in the Financial Times. He may stay for up to six…

ECB vote reform OK'd at EU summit

EU leaders agreed the proposal from the European Central Bank to reform the voting arrangements of its Governing Council, a spokesman for EU presidency holder Greece said on Friday.

Garganas on the International role of the euro

SPEECH - In the speech 'International role of the euro' Nicholas Garganas of the Bank of Greece said the euro has emerged as the world's second most important international currency. But the evidence also confirms that the dollar is still far ahead of…

Central banks sign cooperation agreement

Greece's central bank governor, Nikos Garganas, and his Romanian counterpart, Constantin Isarescu, were due to sign in Bucharest Friday a memorandum of cooperation in the two countries' exercise of supervision competences over commercial banks operating…

Yugoslav, Greek national banks sign agreement

National Bank of Yugoslavia (NBY) and National Bank of Greece governors Mladjan Dinkic and Nicholas Garganas on 27 December signed an agreement on bilateral cooperation, including data exchange on business operations and bank control.

Inflation worries Greek central bank

The Bank of Greece has warned of the danger of inflationary pressures building up and has called on the government to take measures. Central bank Governor Nikos Garganas met with Prime Minister Costas Simitis earlier this week and discussed this issue.

Bank of Greece set to improve transparency

GREECE - The Bank of Greece on Friday indicated that restrictions on consumer and personal loans could be lifted next year on condition that the current slowdown in credit growth continues at the same pace and a forthcoming study can prove that Greek…

Greece's Garganas hosts central bankers at club

GREECE - Bank of Greece Governor Nicholas Garganas is chairing a session of the Central Bank Governors' Club - which includes his counterparts of 16 Balkan, Black Sea and Central Asian nations - in the seaside resort of Nafplion on Friday.

Bank of Greece picks Garganas as new governor

GREECE - The Bank of Greece on Monday picked Deputy Governor Nicholas Garganas to succeed Lucas Papademos at the helm of the central bank and fill a seat on the governing council of the European Central Bank.

Speech by the Governor, Bank of Greece, 22 Apr

SPEECH - In an introductory statement to the European Parliament Papademos conceded that an anonymous publication of the policymaking body's members' positions could enhance the transparency of ECB monetary policy and thereby provide financial markets…

Outgoing chief warns on Greek competitiveness

GREECE - In the Greek central bank's annual report released on Monday the governor warned that his country was losing competitiveness in the eurozone in spite of high levels of investment driven by transfers from EU structural funds.

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