
Imbalances must be addressed: Trichet

ECB president Trichet points to imbalances in emerging Asian countries and stresses importance of Europe-wide and international cooperation on macroprudential supervision

Cyprus and Malta join gold agreement

Cyprus and Malta, the two newest members of the eurozone, have signed up to the Central Bank Gold Agreement, which limits the amount of gold cooperating institutions can sell.

Balkan central banks agree on regulation framework

The central banks of six Balkan countries and Cyprus on Friday have agreed on a framework of regional cooperation to improve banking supervision, streamline operations and help fight money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

ECB's Papademos hints at rate rises

In one of the strongest hints at further rate rises for the eurozone later this year, Lucas Papademos, the Vice-President of the European Central Bank, said forecasts for economic growth in 2007 and 2008 are above the region's potential.

Garganas says press reports wrongly quote him

Bank of Greece governor and European Central Bank committee member Nicholas Garganas issued a press release Monday 23 April denying making a statement in press reports that a stronger euro may mean the ECB doesn't have to raise interest rates again.

A new role for the Bank of Greece

According to this article from Kathimerini, published Tuesday 20 March, the Bank of Greece is looking for a purpose following the launch of the euro single currency.

Garganas says price risks growing

European Central Bank council member Nicholas Garganas told Bloomberg in an interview that economic growth may prove stronger than the ECB forecasts and inflation risks are increasing.

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