
Fed spied on employee's emails-investigator

UNITED STATES - An investigator looking into an unusual labour dispute at the Federal Reserve Board has found credible evidence that Fed managers snooped on the e-mail correspondence of an office secretary and fired her when she considered starting a…

RBA governor talks up Australian economy

AUSTRALIA - Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Ian Macfarlane said on Apr 10 that he remained optmistic about growth in 2001 and that recent rate cuts are aimed at protecting the economy from a global slowdown.

Greenspan's hero image 'is a liability'

UNITED STATES - The Financial Times on Apr 10 reports that Alan Greenspan's heroic image poses a liability for markets. The article is based on a report by UK economist Marcus Miller which was presented at the Royal Economic Society's annual conference…

Oman $50 million boost for Lebanese cbank reserves

LEBANON - Oman deposited $50 million with Lebanon's central bank on Apr 6 to boost foreign currency reserves and to express its support for the government's economic measures, reported the local Daily Star newspaper.

Inflation targeting improved-CNB Niedermayer

CZECH REPUBLIC - The effectiveness of the inflation targeting of the Czech National Bank CNB should be improved with the shift to targeting of overall inflation and setting a corridor for price movements up to 2005, CNB vice-governor Ludek Niedermayer…

Inflation targeting and IMF conditionality

CENTRAL BANK RESEARCH - An IMF working paper "Inflation targeting in the context of IMF-supported adjustment programs" uses Brazil as an example how the IMF's traditional monetary conditionality should be adapted in IMF-supported adjustment programs with…

Central bankers want decision on next ECB chief-FT

EUROPE - The Financial Times newspaper reported on Apr 9 that pressure is growing for an early decision to be made on who succeeds Wim Duisenberg as president of the European Central Bank.

Central bank should be more accountable - panel

INDONESIA - The independent panel set up to review Bank Indonesia Law recommended amendments to increase the accountability of the central bank's board of governors, a government official said on Apr 9, 2001.

BOJ Hayami says economy to remain stagnant

JAPAN - Bank of Japan Governor Masaru Hayami reiterated on Apr 9, 2001 Japan's economy could remain stagnant for some time and that the central bank must pay close attention to downward pressure on prices due to weak demand.

Asian countries agree currency swap network

ASIA - Asia's leading governments have put the finishing touches to plans for a network of currency swap arrangements to guard against a repeat of the 1997 regional economic crisis as concerns of a new global slowdown grow.

CNB appoints new executive director for markets

CZECH REPUBLIC - The Czech National Bank has announced that Tomas Kvapil will be the new executive director for financial markets as of Apr 1, 2001, filling the post which was left vacant when Radek Urban left at the end of February.

SARB-payment system risk reductions measures

SOUTH AFRICA - The South African Reserve Bank announced on Apr 5, 2001, that it has embarked on a phased implementation of certain risk reduction measures in the national payment system.

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