Don't rely too heavily on capital-adequacy models
Supervisors should guard against placing undue reliance on the overall level of capital implied by economic capital models in assessing capital adequacy, a new paper from the Bank for International Settlements posits.
Geithner outlines regulatory overhaul
Tim Geithner, the US Treasury secretary, sounded the knell of light-touch regulation on Thursday, outlining a reform agenda that if passed will see a single systemic-risk supervisor clamp down on all financial firms deemed either too big, or too…
ECB's Papademos calls for macroprudential schema
The establishment of a framework for macroprudential supervision is urgently needed, said Lucas Papademos, the vice president of the European Central Bank.
New BoJ discussion paper series launched
The Bank of Japan has published a new issue of its online discussion paper series.
Switzerland's Jordan counters currency critics
The Swiss National Bank's foreign-currency measures should not be misinterpreted as a 'beggar-thy-neighbour' policy, said Thomas Jordan, a member of the central bank's governing board.
SARB's Mboweni advocates common sense
Financial and risk modelling should continue to play a role in future but it should be better balanced by basic business common sense, said Tito Mboweni, the governor of the South African Reserve Bank.
FSA's Sants heralds "supervisory revolution"
Limitations of a purely principles-based regulatory regime have to be recognised, Hector Sants, the chief executive of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), the British industry regulator, has conceded.
Canada's Longworth faults VaR
Methodologies based on Value at Risk (VaR) that are too dependent on short historical samples cause procyclicality, said David Longworth, a deputy governor of the Bank of Canada.
RBI's Gopinath on CRAs
Capital requirements that are based solely on credit ratings will need to be replaced by a more granular and nuanced approach, said Shyamala Gopinath, a deputy governor of the Reserve Bank of India.
Sovereign risk exacerbates procyclicality
The risk premium associated with the possibility of sovereign default plays a key role in the procyclicality of fiscal policy in emerging economies, finds a new paper from the Richmond Federal Reserve.
Bulgaria takes counter-cyclical measures
The Bulgarian National Bank has taken counter-cyclical measures to support its domestic banks.
UK regulator issues code to curb risks from pay
The Financial Services Authority (FSA), Britain's industry regulator, on Thursday outlined a reform agenda for financial sector pay aimed at curbing the excessive risk taking of recent years.
FSF's Draghi on macro-prudential supervision
Every financial institution capable of creating systemic risk will be subject to supervision, Mario Draghi, the governor of the Bank of Italy and the chairman of the Financial Stability Forum, has warned.
Risk premia can be procyclical
New research from the Bank of England shows that risk premia can be procyclical.
What payments experts have learned
Payments experts have learned a lot about liquidity risk and lender of last resort from the crisis, explained Daniel Heller, the new head of the influential CPSS Secretariat in Basel.
Basel's Wellink: focus on shadow-banking sector
Supervisors need to focus on closing regulatory gaps in their financial systems, said Nout Wellink, the chairman of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and president of the Netherlands Bank.
Crisis must prompt risk-management reassessment
A new wave of transformation in the standards of risk management is now a priority, Andrew Haldane, the executive director responsible for financial stability at the Bank of England, has said.
City regulator resigns after furore
Sir James Crosby has resigned as deputy chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA) in Britain, following allegations that he sacked a senior risk manager at HBOS, a bank Crosby headed, who raised concerns over the risk exposure of the bank.
FSA: economy and financial system risk related
The latest Financial Risk Outlook by the Financial Services Authority's (FSA) in Britain analyses how macroeconomic and financial system risks have become more closely interconnected.
Central Bank of Brazil - Annual Report 2005
Brazil's export sector had an excellent year in 2005, notes the Annual Report from the country's central bank.
Basel Committee bids to strengthen Basel II
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision on Friday issued a string of draft measures aimed at enhancing the Basel II capital framework in light of the credit crunch.
Government should not give in to fear
The government should not capitulate when the public shows an excessive fear towards risk, says a new paper from Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Bank of Canada - Financial System Review Dec '08
The latest Financial System Review from the Bank of Canada focuses on five key sources of risk to the strength and stability of the Canadian financial system.
Assets are better kept with SWFs
Countries with a large foreign asset base tend to establish sovereign wealth funds as central banks' portfolio diversification tends is limited, says a new paper from the San Francisco Federal Reserve.