
Increased hope that Turkey soon out of recession

TURKEY - A much sharper than expected rise in industrial output in Turkey has raised hopes that the country could soon recover from a deep recession. Industrial output rose 14.1% in April from a year earlier, well above a growth rate of 7.8% as predicted…

Japan enjoys strongest growth for two years

TOKYO - Japan's economy has at last emerged from recession, enjoying its strongest growth for two years. The economy has rebounded from three straight quarters of contraction, growing 1.4% in the first quarter, which is an annualised rate of 5.7%.

Speech by A Santomero of Philadelphia Fed, 25 Apr

SPEECH - Santomero said on Thursday in a speech titled 'The Reluctant Recession: Why Was the Recession So Mild?' that it is too soon to tell when the U.S. economy will be strong enough for the U.S. central bank to consider raising interest rates.

Speech by William Poole, St Louis Fed Bank, 4 Apr

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'Dynamics of the Recession and the Recovery' Poole said that last year's tax cuts and interest rate reductions have provided an underpinning for a solid U.S. economic recovery that could see "upside surprises" ahead.

Tokyo sees light at end of tunnel

JAPAN - Japan's longest recession since 1993 may be slowly coming to an end as inventories are run down and companies gear up for a faster-than-expected US and European recovery, according to Heizo Takenaka, economics minister.

Japan braces for recession

JAPAN - Japan is poised to cross the official dividing line into recession on Friday morning when figures showing how much its economy has shrunk are released.

Economic Chaos - Who's killing Argentina's Peso?

ARTICLE - Until recently, stable money and sound banking were the two pillars of an otherwise weak Argentine republic. As Argentina confronts its fourth year of recession and finds itself bankrupt, many are now blaming its monetary regime, which…

BoE King - UK recession unlikely, more growth seen

UK - A recession in Britain is not the most likely result of the current global economic slowdown and the country should enjoy continued growth, albeit at a slower pace, Bank of England Deputy Governor Mervyn King said on Thursday 22 November in a speech.

Germany 'is already in recession'

GERMANY - A day after news that the US entered a recession in March a leading economic think-tank has said Germany is already in a recession, and things will get worse later this year.

Buba's Welteke sees no '01 recession in Germany

GERMANY - Germany's economy is not in a recession and will grow at a small rate "above zero" in 2001, Deutsche Bundesbank President Ernst Welteke told German daily Frankfurter Rundschau in an interview conducted 22 October, but published on Friday.

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