U.S. risks inflation in rebound - Milton Friedman
UNITED STATES - The United States should pull out of recession in 2002 but will have to keep an eye on inflation when it does, Nobel prize-winning economist Milton Friedman said in an interview published on 27 August.
Hayami - BOJ won't adopt managed inflation policy
JAPAN - The Bank of Japan can't adopt high inflation targets that would involve measures to artificially reflate the economy, the central bank governor said 23 August.
Bank for International Settlements Papers
RESEARCH - Empirical studies of structural changes and inflation August 2001.
Bank of Japan targets deflation
JAPAN - Japan's central bank is ready to consider further steps to bolster the country's troubled economy, with an inflation target now a possibility, according to top finance officials.
Bank of England Inflation Report - August 2001
REPORT - The Bank of England has published its latest inflation report for August 2001. The report suggests that the UK economy will remain weak in 2001 before starting to recover in 2002.
Speech by the Bundesbank's Hermann Remsperger
SPEECH - Address at the Symposium, Hedonic Methods in Price Statistics, Wiesbaden, 21 June, by Professor Hermann Remsperger, Member of the Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank. The Evolution of Inflation Measurement: A Central Banker's View.
Why the Bank changed its mind
UK - Mervyn King will have some explaining to do when he presents the Bank of England's inflation report next week writes the FT in London, 3 August.
Paper - Reserve Bank of Australia 2001 Conference
RESEARCH - A paper titled 'The Case for Inflation Targeting in East Asian Countries' was presented at the RBA's 2001 conference, Future Directions for Monetary Policies in East Asia.
Federal Reserves Meyer on Inflation Targets
SPEECH - Federal Reserve Board member, Governor Laurence H. Meyer has given a speech at the University of California, San Diego Economics Roundtable, San Diego, California. The speech is titled "Inflation Targets and Inflation Targeting" and was made…
Phillips Curve on Inflation - Toss a coin instead
RESEARCH - Andrew Atkeson and Lee E. Ohanian of the Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis have published an article in the Winter 2001 of the Bank's Quarterly Review.
Comparing measures of core inflation
RESEARCH - Todd E. Clark, of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City has published an article in the Bank's Second Quarter 2001 Economic Review. The research compares five different measures of core CPI inflation.
IMF seeks tougher Russian monetary policy
RUSSIA - The International Monetary Fund has called on Russia at the end of a five-day mission to tighten monetary policy to check inflation and keep closely to spending plans in its current budget.
Euro-zone inflation over 3 percent for first time
EUROPE - Inflation in the 12-nation euro-zone soared to 3.4 percent in May, a surprisingly high increase that pushed the rate above 3 percent for the first time since the European single currency was launched in January 1999.
Canada's inflation target setting could be better
CANADA - The Bank of Canada's new regime for setting inflation targets is an improvement on the old, but the bank could do even better, according to a new report from the C.D. Howe Institute.
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin - Summer 2001
SURVEY - The Bank of England has published its Summer 2001 Quarterly Bulletin. The Bulletin contains the results of a survey conducted on behalf of the Bank in February 2001. The research, by NOP, surveyed public attitudes to inflation in the UK.
Hungary introduces inflation targeting system
HUNGARY - The central bank council has approved that the National Bank of Hungary (MNB) operate a monetary system based on implicit inflation targeting, MNB president Zsigmond Jarai announced at a news conference 12 June.
Euro is a safeguard for UK
ARTICLE - Soon to depart Bank of England MPC member DeAnne Julius sees the euro as a safeguard for UK industry. Speaking recently she considers her own future, Britain's European prospects and the set-up at the ECB.
Low inflation may erode bank's credibility
SPEECH - The Bank of England's credibility could be at risk if it continues to undershoot its 2.5 per cent inflation target for more than another two years, according to a member of the bank's Monetary Policy Committee.
Fed sends clear signal of more rate cuts to come
US - Tuesday 15 May's interest rate cut of 0.5% by the Federal Reserve was the fifth consecutive half-point cut in short-term interest rates. Does this represent the end of the Federal Reserve's dramatic and unprecedented efforts to prop up the weakening…
Inflation still main concern of ECB
GERMANY - European Central Bank council member Vitor Constancio said on 10 May that inflation still remained the bank's main concern.
Korea cbank expects inflation to fall
The Bank of Korea's latest inflation report enviages inflation falling to 3% in the second half of 2001
A Simple Model for Inflation in Brazil
RESEARCH - Working Paper No. 18 from the Bank of Brazil develops a model to investigate the transmission mechanism of monetary policy. The paper also describes the results of stochastic simulations designed to investigate the behaviour of various optimal…
Price level convergence and inflation in Europe
A paper by John H. Rogers at the Federal Reserve "Price level convergence, relative prices, and inflation in Europe" finds evidence to support the concept of price level convergence and investigates the extent to which divergence of national inflation…
Brown rejects switching inflation target
In a keynote speech to the International Monetary Fund's international monetary and financialcommittee, attended by 24 finance ministers, UK Chancellor, Gordon Brown, rejected calls for the UK to adopt a 2% inflation target to fit in with the euro-area