US academic applauds S.Africa's monetary policy
A leading Harvard University academic endorsed the South African Reserve Bank's inflation targeting on Tuesday and said the country's monetary policy was in sound health.
Fraga says Brazil inflation on target in 2001
Brazil's central bank president Arminio Fraga said on Thursday that inflation in Latin America's biggest economy was on track at 4% for 2001, despite a pending new minimum wage increase.
RBI governor favours flexible inflation target
Central bank inflation targets should be flexible to allow for varying economic conditions, Reserve Bank of India governor Bimal Jalan said Thursday.
Riksbank hikes rates, policy stance to neutral
The Riksbank said that its 25 basis point hike that raised the repo rate to 4.0% Thursday was based on its new assessment that inflation would rise above the central bank's 2% limit in two year's time in the absence of tighter monetary policy.
Problem with BOE inflation forecast, says Fed Kohn
The Bank of England's forecast round and quarterly Inflation Report don't present a clear picture to policymakers, markets or the wider public, Don Kohn, director of monetary affairs at the US Federal Reserve Board in Washington, said Wednesday.
RBI governor says policy juggling is the best
Many central banks around the world target price inflation, but the RBI has multiple economic targets, says Alan Beattie from the Financial Times.
ECB to publish its economic forecasts
The European Central Bank has decided to publish its internal economic forecasts for the euro-zone to improve the markets's understanding of its monetary policy and dispel criticism of excessive secrecy.
Klein: no medium-term economic effects of violence
David Klein, Governor of the Bank of Israel, said in an interview with the "Quarterly Journal of Central Banking" that there would be no major economic repercussions from the renewed violence in Israel.
Interview with BoI governor David Klein
With the Middle East teetering on the brink of armed conflict, weinterview the newly appointed governor of the Bank of Israel, DrDavid Klein.
Colombia cenbank sees 2000 inflation 8.5% - 10%
Colombia's central bank said that despite high world oil prices, thecountry is on track to meet the 10% inflation target for this year agreedwith the International Monetary Fund.
Jaime Caruana forecast 2% inflation in 2001
Jaime Caruana, who replaced Luis Angel Rojo as Bank of Spain governor earlier this year, predicted that Spanish inflation would remain nears its 2% limit over the next year.
Latin America: Future inflation convergence
Leonardo Leiderman, head of Latin American Research at Deustche Bank and former head of research at the Bank of Israel, gives a report on the move towards inflation convergence in Latin America.
UK inflation to rise above target, says Bank
In its latest quarterly inflation forecast, the Bank of England forecasts inflation to go above its 2.5% target in two years time. But deputy governor Mervyn King says this does not mean interest rates have to rise.