
Yugoslav c banker expects 15% inflation this year

YUGOSLAVIA - Following the rise in petrol prices, the 2002 inflation will not exceed 15 per cent and will amount to about nine per cent in 2003, which is why Yugoslav National Bank (NBJ) will lower the obligatory bank reserves rate, Yugoslav National…

Norges Bank's Inflation Report 3/2002

REPORT - Norway's central bank published its third and final Inflation Report for 2002 on 30 October. The Inflation Report discusses developments in the Norwegian economy and other factors that influence the inflation outlook. Developments in the…

Bank of Canada Monetary Policy Report

REPORT - Bank of Canada released its October 2002 Monetary Policy Report, 23 October. In the report the Bank of Canada said the Canadian economy has undergone a strong expansion with more rapid growth than all other G-7 countries over the past year…

Manuel calls for SARB inflation target review

SOUTH AFRICA - Finance Minister Trevor Manuel has suggested politicians and other interested parties hold a discussion on inflation targeting once Statistics South Africa has completed its study on the country's target measure, CPIX.

BOK urged to focus on long-term inflation target

KOREA - The central bank should set its inflation target on a medium- or long-term basis rather than on an annual basis to maintain price stability more effectively, economic experts said at a seminar on inflation held at the Bank of Korea (BOK) in…

Canada's c bank warns of spike in inflation

CANADA - The Bank of Canada said Wednesday economic growth will be lower than expected in the short term but inflation could still double the bank's target by year-end, as Canada continues to be pulled in opposite directions by uncertain global markets…

Banks can park funds in infrastructure projects

ARTICLE - If the brief for a central bank is to guarantee liquidity in a milieu of low inflation and high forex reserves, the RBI can be said to have done more than its bit. On the supply side, RBI has been able to manage a dipping interest regime over…

Hayami pans adoption of inflation target for Japan

JAPAN - Bank of Japan Gov. Masaru Hayami on Thursday rejected the notion of adopting an inflation target as a means of helping to raise prices and fight deflation. "There is no data to support the procedure and the way to achieve it," Hayami told a…

Federal Reserve Board Discussion Paper

RESEARCH - 'Monetary Union, Price Level Convergence, and Inflation: How Close is Europe to the United States?' by John H. Rogers, published 21 October. In the article the author examines the decline in European price level dispersion and whether this…

Sveriges Riksbank Inflation Report 3rd Q 2002

REPORT - Sweden's central bank has published its Inflation Report for the third quarter of 2002. Since the time of the June Report inflation has come down somewhat more than was expected. In August the 12-month changes in the CPI and UND1X were 2.0 and 2…

BSP chief presses revision of inflation target

PHILIPPINES - Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) Governor Rafael Buenaventura made a fresh pitch Friday for revising the government's 2003 target for the inflation rate, noting economic planners' projections of the potential impact of a US-Iraq war on the…

The Exchange Rate and Inflation in the UK

RESEARCH - External MPC Unit Discussion Paper No.11, The Exchange Rate and Inflation in the UK by Amit Kara and Edward Nelson. The paper looks at the evidence from the UK on inflation behaviour and examines the propositions from several theoretical…

Brazil's c bank calls extraordinary Copom meeting

BRAZIL - Brazil's Central Bank called Monday an extraordinary meeting of its interest rate-setting Monetary Policy Committee (Copom), two weeks before presidential elections and amid a currency crisis that is fanning inflation and whipping the economy.

SARB Monetary Policy Review - October 2002

REPORT - The South African Reserve Bank has published its October Monetary Policy Review. The report reflects on increased inflationary pressures in the South African economy following the depreceiation of the rand in the latter half of 2001.

Speech by Charles Freedman, Bank of Canada, 2 Oct

SPEECH - In the speech titled 'The Role of Inflation Targets in the Canadian Economy' Freedman said that a monetary policy framework based on an explicit target for inflation has helped the Canadian economy to weather shocks, and will continue to do so…

Bank of Canada warns on inflation rate

CANADA - The Bank of Canada said yesterday inflation would remain higher than expected until the middle of 2003 but analysts said it was still too close to call whether the bank will raise interest rates at its next policy announcement on 16 October.

Reserve Bank's new target divides economists

ARTICLE - As widely expected, the policy targets agreement between the Government and new Reserve Bank Governor, Dr Alan Bollard, has been amended to require him to keep inflation in a 1 to 3 per cent band "on average over the medium term".

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