Governance 2023
Governance Benchmarks 2023 – presentation
Subject matter specialist Dan Hardie discusses central banks’ powers, governors, profits and staffing
Advanced economy central banks more likely to make profits
Majority of central banks report profits in most of last five years
Central banks differ on profit-sharing agreements
Advanced economy central banks more likely to have formal agreements on profit distribution
Most central banks satisfied with policy autonomy
EME central banks say they are more likely to face pressure over monetary policy
Some internal policies differ by country income
Central banks likely to have ethics codes and whistleblower policies regardless of national income
Most central banks disclose governors’ salaries
Governors’ salaries show moderate correlation with countries’ per capita GDP
Boards’ make-up differs across jurisdictions
Emerging market economy boards more likely to include government officials and ministers
Countries vary on governor appointment powers
Poorer countries more likely to combine powers, while richer ones split responsibilities
Central banks’ roles differ by national wealth
Few central banks have task of overseeing sovereign wealth funds
Most governments can change mandates without consulting central banks
Most jurisdictions’ central bank laws either limit or forbid monetary financing
Central banks differ over board term limits
Nearly half of responding central banks impose no term limits on board members
EME governors more likely to leave role early
Emerging market economy countries also less likely to limit number of terms governors can serve