The securities activities of banks
SPEECH - Testimony of Governor Laurence Meyer, before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit and the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S…
Faster growth? If we want it
SPEECH - An address by Donald T. Brash, Governor of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand to the Catching the Knowledge Wave conference, Auckland, 2 August.
The Economy in Transition
SPEECH - Remarks by Jack Guynn, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Jackson Rotary Club, Jackson, Mississippi, 23 July.
Comments on the Economy and Monetary Policy
SPEECH - Remarks by J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr., President, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Washington Association of Money Managers, The Embassy Row Hotel, Washington, DC, 5 June.
A Monetary Policymakers Perspective on the Economy
SPEECH - Presentation to a community leaders luncheon by Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco President and CEO Robert T. Parry at Kahala Mandarin Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, 14 June.
The euro changeover in the Irish context
SPEECH - Statement by Mr Maurice O'Connell, Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, to the Irish Parliamentary Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service, in Dublin on 18 July.
Speech by the Bundesbank's Juergen Stark
SPEECH - Deputy Governor of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Dr. Jurgen Stark, spoke at the International Conference organised by the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the Brazilian Institute of Economics - Getulio Vargas Foundation "International financial…
Speech by the Bundesbank's Hermann Remsperger
SPEECH - Address at the Symposium, Hedonic Methods in Price Statistics, Wiesbaden, 21 June, by Professor Hermann Remsperger, Member of the Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank. The Evolution of Inflation Measurement: A Central Banker's View.
Observations on recent economic developments
SPEECH - Address by Mr. T. T. Mboweni, Governor of the South African Reserve Bank, Southern African-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 13 July.
Speech by Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan
SPEECH - Address by Dr Ishrat Husain, Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, at Mahbul Haq memorial seminar held on 16 July at Islamabad on Pakistan's development challenges.
Speech by Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan
SPEECH - Remarks made by Dr Ishrat Husain, Governor of the State Bank of Pakistan, as a panelist at the Seminar on Conditionality and Ownership organized by the IMF, World Bank and Commonwealth Secretariat at London on 23-24 July.
Progress in the Italian Banking System
SPEECH - The Governor of the Bank of Italy, Antonio Fazio, gave a speech on 3 July at the Italian Bankers' Association, Annual Meeting.
Speech by Svein Gjedrem of Norway's central bank
SPEECH - Speech by Central Bank of Norway Governor Svein Gjedrem at The Norwegian School of Management's Centre for Monetary Economics, 7 June.
Reflections on the Capital Goods Overhang
SPEECH - Remarks by Vice Chairman Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. before the Charlotte Economics Club, Charlotte, North Carolina, 18 July.
The Origins and Evolution of Central Banking
SPEECH - President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Jerry Jordan, at the Central Bank Institute Conference, Renaissance Cleveland Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio, 21 May.
Meyer Testimony - Federal deposit insurance reform
SPEECH - Federal reserve Board Governor Laurence H. Meyer testified on 26 July before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives.
Speech by Sushil Wadhwani of the Bank of England
SPEECH - Sushil Wadhwani of the Bank of England's MPC committee spoke on 24 July.
Monetary Policy: The End of History?
SPEECH - Stephen Grenville, Deputy Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia gave a speech on 20 July at the Monetary Authority of Singapore 30th Anniversary Conference on Central Banking in The New Economic and Financial Landscape, Singapore.
Safeguarding financial stability - key issues
SPEECH - Vahur Kraft, Governor of the Bank of Estonia spoke at a conference on the Challenges for the Unified Financial Supervision in the New Millennium, Tallinn, Estonia on 2 July.
The framework of Israel's economic policy for 2002
SPEECH - David Klein, Governor of the Bank of Israel, to The Financial Forum, Tel-Aviv, 11 July.
30th Anniversary of MAS - prime minister speech
SPEECH - Prime Minister of Singapore, Goh Chok Tong at the Monetary Authority of Singapore's (MAS) 30th Anniversary Dinner, 20 July.
MAS speech - Credibility, Confidence, Dynamism
SPEECH - Keynote Address by DPM Lee Hsien Loong, Chairman MAS, at MAS 30th Anniversary Conference, 20 July.
Debt Workouts For Corporates, Banks And Countries
SPEECH - David Clementi, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England has spoken at the INSOL International Sixth World Congress at the Hilton Metropole Hotel in London today, 19 July. He spoke about common themes to debt workouts for corporates, banks and…
Horst Kohler on African Economic Development
SPEECH - International Monetary Fund Managing Director Horst Kohler has given an address at the United Nations Economic and Social Council, Geneva, 16 July.