Chicago Fed National Activity Index
REPORT - In May, the Chicago Fed National Activity Index increased to -0.07 from -0.28 in April. The index has been negative in 22 of the 23 months since June 2000. Released 1 July.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
REPORT - Results of Quantitative Impact Study 2.5, July 2002, released 1 July.
Banco Central do Brasil Inflation Report June 2002
REPORT - Banco Central do Brasil, Brazil's central bank, has released it's Quarterly Inflation Report for June 2002.
Central Bank of Ireland, Summer 2002 Bulletin
REPORT - The Central Bank of Ireland published on Friday its Quarterly Bulletin for Summer 2002. The report highlights that economic activity in Ireland seems to have picked up modestly from its nadir in the third quarter of last year.
European Central Bank Publication
REPORT - Task force on portfolio investment collection systems, Final Report, June 2002.
Deutsche Bundesbank Monthly Report, May 2002
REPORT - Germany's central bank has released its Monthly Report for May 2002.
Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin, June 2002
REPORT - The Reserve Bank released the June 2002 issue of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Bulletin on Thursday.
Bank of England Financial Stability Review
REPORT - Bank of England Publishes Financial Stability Review, Issue 12, June 2002, 27 June.
IMF Working Paper No. 02/101
RESEARCH - 'Structural Balances and All That: Which Indicators to Use in Assessing Fiscal Policy' by Nigel Chalk, Fiscal Affairs Department, examines structural indicators of a country's fiscal position and evalutes their usefulness in measuring the size…
ECB Working Paper No. 155
RESEARCH - ECB Working Paper 'Youth unemployment in the OECD: demographic shifts, labour market institutions, and macroeconomic shocks' by Juan F. Jimeno and Diego Rodriguez-Palenzuela, June 2002. It gauges the relevance of the relative size of…
The slowdown of HK dollar broad money growth
RESEARCH - The Hong Kong Monetary Authority has published research on 'The Slowdown of Hong Kong Dollar Broad Money Growth' by Kitty Lai and Joanna, Yen Ling Shi. It examines the factors leading to the slowdown of broad money growth from about 5% in…
A small macroeconomic model of Hong Kong
RESEARCH - The Hong Kong monetary Authority has published 'A Small Macroeconomic Model of Hong Kong' by Jiming Ha, Cynthia Leung and Chang Shu,June 2002.
IMF Survey, Vol. 31, No. 12
SURVEY - The latest edition of the IMF Survey includes comment on the IMF's Global Financial Stability Report, excerpts of a speech by Anne Krueger on sovereign debt restructuring and an interview with Kenneth Rogoff and Jeromin Zettelmeyer on the roots…
Federal Reserve to redesign notes
PRESS RELEASE - The US Treasury and Federal Reserve has announced plans for redesigned notes with improved security features to deter counterfeiting. It will affect the $100, $50, and $20 notes.
Banking supervision at the cross roads
RESEARCH - A paper presented at de Nederlandsche Bank conference titled 'Banking Supervision at the Cross Roads' by David Llewellyn from Loughborough University, UK, looks at the optimal regulatory environment and suggests a paradigm for ensuring…
Speech by Susan Schmidt Bies of the Fed, 20 Jun
SPEECH - Speech by Fed governor, Susan Bies to the World Bank's 2002 finance forum meeting in Chantilly, Virginia. Bies examines whether developing countries can learn from the US experience in banking regulation.
Does a floating currency buy flexibility?
RESEARCH - ECB WORKING PAPER by Marcel Fratzscher, June 2002"The Euro bloc, the Dollar bloc and the Yen bloc: how much monetary policy independence can exchange rate flexibility buy in an interdependent world?"(ECB Working Paper No. 154), (pdf 416 kB).
Austria's Financial Stability Review
REPORT - The latest edition of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank's financial stability review is now out.
RBA Bulletin, June 2002
REPORT - The Reserve Bank of Australia on Thursday published the June 2002 issue of its Bulletin.
European Central Bank Working Paper
RESEARCH - G-7 Inflation forecasts by Fabio Canova, June 2002.
Extreme Contagion in Equity Markets
RESEARCH - IMF Working Paper by Jorge Chan-Lau, Donald Mathieson and James Yao of the International Capital Markets Department, 18 June. Their results suggest that contagion patterns differ significantly within regions with Latin America showing an…
Federal Reserve Bulletin, June 2002
REPORT - Profits and Balance Sheet Developments at U.S. Commercial Banks in 2001 William F. Bassett and Mark Carlson, released 18 June.
Bank of Canada Working Paper 2002-16
RESEARCH - The Bank of Canada has published a paper titled 'A Market Microstructure Analysis of Foreign Exchange Intervention in Canada', by Chris D'Souza. He concludes that central banks considering intervention must also consider both the signal it…
Bank of Canada Working Paper 2002-15
RESEARCH - The Bank of Canada has pubished a paper on 'Corporate Bond Spreads and the Business Cycle' by Zhiwei Zhang. It examines the predictive power of credit spreads from the corporate bond market. High-yield bond and investment-grade spreads can…