
Euro's launch vital to debate in Sweden

SWEDEN - Goran Persson, Sweden's Social Democratic prime minister, believes the Scandinavian country could be a member of the single currency by 2005 if next January's introduction of euro notes and coins is a success.

Riksbank publish 2001 Financial Stability Report

RESEARCH - The Sveriges Riksbank, Sweden's central bank, has published its Financial Stability Report for May 2001. They report that the banking sector appears well-equipped to manage the effects that could ensue from a general economic slowdown.

Costs of forex intervention - evidence from Sweden

ARTICLE - Boo Sjoo and Richard Sweeney have published an article "The foreign-exchange costs of central bank intervention: evidence from Sweden" in the latest issue of Journal of International Money and Finance. The study supports the view that the…

Swedish inflation risks receding-Riksbank

Sweden's central bank, the Riksbank, said on Feb 26, 2001 that inflation risks appeared to have diminished since it raised interest rates in December 2000, although the outcome of the current wage round could affect the picture.

Swedish cbank board member mulled rate cut-minutes

Sweden's central bank, or Riksbank, said on Feb 15, 2001 its board, which sets monetary policy, had agreed unanimously at its last meeting on Feb 1, 2001 to keep the key repo rate unchanged at 4.00 percent. During the monetary policy discussion, however,…

Swedish Riksbank says rate policy right for now

Sweden's central bank said on Feb 9, 2001 inflation prospects were favourable and its inflation target achievable in coming years, and there was no need right now for further monetary policy measures."Today, inflation prospects seem to be favourable,"…

Sweden should raise rates soon, OECD says

The OECD on Feb 8, 2001 called on Sweden's central bank, which has signalled it plans to keep interest rates on hold for now, to tighten monetary policy soon. The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said in a country report the Riksbank…

Burst IT-bubble temporary setback - Swedish c.bank

The information technology revolution will continue - despite the collapse of many IT stocks in 2000 - with unforseeable consequences for future economic policy, Sweden's central bank said on Feb 7, 2001. Riksbank governor Urban Backstrom made it clear…

Swedish Riksbank keeps interest rates unchanged

Sweden's central bank, the Riksbank, pointing to the global and Swedish economic slowdown, said on Feb 2, 2001, it left key interest rates unchanged as widely expected by financial markets. The Riksbank said the repo rate, its chief monetary policy…

Swedish cbank signals steady rates as growth slows

Euro-outsider Sweden's central bank signalled on Jan. 29, 2001, its key repo rate would remain on hold at 4.00 percent, 75 basis points below the euro zone's steering rate, at this week's monetary policy meeting. Riksbank Governor Urban Backstrom said in…

Riksbank new board member is economist, ex-MEP

Kristina Persson, an economist and former MEP, was appointed on Jan. 26, 2001, to fill a vacant seat on the Swedish Riksbank central bank's seven-member board of governors, which sets monetary policy, the bank said. Persson, 55, who has worked at the…

Differing views -Swedish participation in the euro

Although Sweden, unlike the United Kingdom and Denmark, does not have an opt-out authorising it to remain outside the Euro zone even if it were to meet all the convergence criteria, the country's Minister for External Trade, Leif Pagrotsky, has insisted…

Riksbank hikes rates, policy stance to neutral

The Riksbank said that its 25 basis point hike that raised the repo rate to 4.0% Thursday was based on its new assessment that inflation would rise above the central bank's 2% limit in two year's time in the absence of tighter monetary policy.

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