
Ex-Polish deputy responds to Pruski criticism

Krzysztof Rybiski, the deputy governor of the National Bank of Poland who resigned at the start of this month, has rebuffed criticisms of the central bank made by his fellow deputy, Jerzy Pruski, who quit last week.

Second Polish deputy resigns, slams governor

Jerzy Pruski, a deputy governor at the National Bank of Poland, has resigned, citing differences with Slawomir Skrzypek, the governor of the central bank. Pruski's departure follows that of his fellow deputy, Krzysztof Rybiski, earlier this month.

Poland holds rates

The National Bank of Poland's rate-setting council decided to hold rates on Wednesday after data revealed economic growth will be slightly weaker than expected.

Why Poland's MPC held rates

According to minutes published on Friday, Poland's Monetary Policy Council (RPP) decided at its meeting on 25 and 26 September that as the medium term probability of inflation running above the inflation target (2.5% year-on-year) had fallen there was no…

Poland looking to join ERM2, says Skrzypek

Poland will be able to cut its general government deficit to below 3% of GDP by 2009, as pledged by the government, which would allow it to join the exchange rate mechanism ERM2 the same year, deems National Bank of Poland (NBP) governor Slawomir…

Poland increases rates

The National Bank of Poland decided Wednesday to hike interest rates by a quarter despite inflation remaining below the central bank's target rate. The benchmark reference rate is now 4.75%.

Polish rates to rise soon

Halina Wasilewska-Trenkner, a monetary policy committee member at the National Bank of Poland, says interest rates will rise in either August or September this year.

Choose Fund head on merit - Colombia's Uribe

Jose Dario Uribe, the governor of the central bank of Colombia, says it is still too early to select a candidate to head the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to succeed Rodrigo de Rato, who will leave the Fund in October.

Another rate hike in prospect in Poland

The Polish finance ministry has forecast that inflation in June will top the central bank's 2.5% target for the first time in over two years, making a rate rise more likely to ease growing price pressures in the fast-growing economy.

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