
Pakistan says Islamic banking won't hit accords

Military ruler General Pervez Musharraf said on Feb. 12, 2001 that Pakistan's plans to introduce interest-free Islamic banking would not affect the country's international financial dealings and accords.A government statement quoted him as giving the…

IMF reviews Pakistan performance for standby loan

Pakistan began talks with an International Monetary Fund mission on Feb. 8, 2001 keen to convince it that a revenue shortfall should not prevent payment of a second tranche of a standby loan, officials and analysts said. Analysts said the mission, led by…

Pakistan central bank raises paid-up capital limit

Pakistan's central bank has increased the paid-up capital requirement for investment banks to 500 million rupees from 200 million rupees, a central bank spokesman said on Feb 1. But he said the State Bank of Pakistan has given a two-year period to…

Pakistan moves to ease banks' liquidity crisis

Pakistan's central bank on Dec 22 asked commercial banks to buy government securities against swap dollar deposits in an attempt to ease a liquidity crisis and meet a key donor condition, bankers said.

Pakistan might adopt Islamic banking gradually

Pakistan may try to convert gradually to a full Islamic banking system rather than make a sudden transformation by the middle of next year - the Supreme Court's deadline to end all interest driven transactions, which are considered contrary to Islam -…

Husain wants banking consolidation in Pakistan

Pakistan's central bank governor Ishrat Husain has said that he wants fewer, but stronger financial institutions in Pakistan which can mobilise and allocate resources in a cost effective and efficient manner.

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