Caribbean, Eastern
ECCB - Annual Report 2005-2006
According to the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank's Annual Report 2005-2006, while the level of inflation in the currency union remained relatively low in 2005, the rate at 4.0 per cent was up from the 2.6 per cent in 2004.
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank - Ann Rep 04-05
According to the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank's Annual Report 2004-2005, the pace of economic recovery in the currency union gained further momentum in 2004 following the sharp downturn in 2002.
St Lucia to introduce single financial regulator
A Single Regulatory Unit (SRU) involving all parties in the financial sector is currently being introduced in St Lucia. The SRU should come into effect during the last quarter of 2006.
ECCB to host development conference
The St. Kitts-based East Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) has announced it will be hosting its ninth annual development conference on Thursday 1 December in the Sir Cecil Jacobs Auditorium at the ECCB Headquarters.
New deputy governor appointed to ECCB
Trevor Brathwaite, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, International Financial Services and Economic Affairs, St Lucia, was appointed Deputy Governor of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) this week.
Central banker named Cricket World Cup director
The West Indies Cricket Board has appointed four new directors to its wholly-owned subsidiary ICC Cricket World Cup West Indies 2007.
Eastern Caribbean Central Bank- Annual Report 2003
The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank has published its Annual Report for the financial year 2002-2003. In his Foreword EECB governor K Dwight Venner said the Eastern Caribbean currency union experienced a challenging year with economic indicators mirroring…
Central role for ECCB
Michael Imeson looks at the economic problems facing the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States, and what the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank is doing to help stimulate development.
Dwight Venner on the role of the ECCB
The ECCB is adopting anambitious and strategicprogramme of activities toraise the level of economicliteracy in the EasternCaribbean. Governor K Dwight Venner explains how.