Claudio Borio

CSME no further behind than other trading blocs

BARBADOS - Prime Minister of Barbados Owen Arthur, in delivering the feature address at the opening of the Implementation Unit at the Central Bank on Monday, said CARICOM's Single Market and Economy (CSME) was now at the same point as Europe in 1985 when…

Liberalising our exchange controls

ARTICLE - At the recently-held public/private sector consultation on economic and related issues, Governor of the Central Bank of Barbados, Dr. Marion Williams presented a paper on Barbados' response to the liberalisation of trade in financial services.

Bishop says be money wise at central bank service

BARBADOS - Barbadians were urged yesterday to be sensible in the management of their money by the Bishop of Barbados, Dr John Holder. He was delivering a sermon at the Central Bank of Barbados 30th anniversary service at the St Michael's Cathedral.

IMF articles on reform and restructuring in Asia

ARTICLES - The International Monetary Fund has published the March issue of its quarterly magazine Finance and Development. There are six articles on reform and restructuring in Asia. Other articles on the role of capital in development, the effect of…

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