G20 working group: development banks must lend now
Multilateral development banks and other international financial institutions should step up their counter-cyclical efforts to offset capital flight from emerging markets, says a report from a working group prepared for the G20 London summit.
G20 working group: amend Bretton Woods governance
Emerging and developing economies should have greater voice and representation in Bretton Woods institutions, says a report from a working group prepared for the G20 London summit.
G20 group: more supervisory colleges needed
Regulators should collaborate to establish supervisory colleges for all major cross-border financial institutions, says a report from a working group prepared for the G20 London summit.
G20 working group: global coordination key
International regulatory standards should be coordinated to ensure a common and coherent global framework, says a report from a working group prepared for the G20 London summit.
SDR injection inflationary, ECB's Stark warns
Jurgen Stark, a member of the European Central Bank's executive board, has panned the G20's decision to create $250 billion-worth of special drawing rights (SDRs).
Markets surge on G20 $1 trillion recovery package
Equity markets in Europe and the United States soared on Wednesday on news that global leaders had pledged an extra $1 trillion to spur an economic recovery.
G20 protests converge on Bank of England
The Bank of England on Wednesday was surrounded by anti-capitalist protesters, converging on Threadneedle Street to vent their anger at the crisis on the eve of the London G20 summit.
A guide for an ideal communique
For Marc Uzan, an executive director on the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, the perfect G20 communique would note the long-term ramifications of the crisis.
Soros urges G20 to agree on SDR reallocation
George Soros, one of the world's most renowned hedge-fund managers, has called on G20 leaders to endorse the reallocation of rich country's SDR quotas with the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
A proposal to aid emerging-market stability
Ousmene Mandeng, the head of public sector investment advisory at Ashmore, an asset management firm, believes there is a more efficient way for emerging market central banks to use their reserves to stave off a disorderly unwinding of their capital…
Cooperation between leaders and banks essential
As the world responds to financial and economic turmoil, the industry and authorities must work together as never before, says Angela Knight, the chief executive of the British Bankers' Association (BBA).
Basel Committee's Praet on the future of regulation
Peter Praet, an executive director at the National Bank of Belgium and a member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, offers some pointers on how global leaders should formulate their regulatory response to the crisis.
EU backs pledge to fill IMF coffers to $500bn
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) needs to bolster its lending capacity to $500 billion, leaders of Europe's biggest economies have said. The move comes amid concern that the Fund will be unable to avert the collapse of some central and eastern…
Brazil's Meirelles: Bretton Woods needs a rethink
Both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank need to address their legitimacy as part of the policy debate on a Bretton Woods II, said Henrique Meirelles, the governor of the Central Bank of Brazil.
IMF's chief economist on the tasks ahead
Olivier Blanchard, the chief economist at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has made public a detailed policy proposal issued to the heads of the G20 before their summit in Washington, DC earlier this month.
G20 earns plaudits but fails to ease market mood
Markets were nonplussed by the G20 communique with most of the leading stock indices falling in Monday trading.
Top economists have their say on G20 summit
A group of 21 of the world's most prominent economists have called on officials from the G20 countries meeting in Washington this weekend to start thinking outside the box about longer-term reforms.
DSK calls on G20 to bolster IMF coffers
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), has urged G20 leaders to discuss ways to boost the Fund's resources at this weekend's summit.
First global summit set for 15 November
Leaders from the Group of 20 countries will gather in Washington DC on 15 November to discuss the global financial crisis and the world economy, the White House said on Wednesday.
Interview: Charles Goodhart
Claire Jones spoke with the former Bank of England policymaker about the co-ordinated liquidity interventions and the move towards aggressive policy easing by the Fed
Zhou parries appreciation calls
Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People's Bank of China, said that the central bank could widen the renminbi's trading range if deemed necessary.
G20 predicts "modest" global slowdown
Central bank governors and finance ministers from the G20 economies said that the credit turmoil would likely have a "modest" effect on global growth, but added that it remained difficult to judge the eventual impact.
G20 statement
The following statement was made by finance ministers and central bank governors at the G20 meeting that took place in South Africa, near Cape Town, on 17 and 18 November 2007.