Federal Reserve System
US Fed issues revisions to payments system risk
US - The Federal Reserve Board on Tuesday issued revisions to its policy statement on payments system risk that it said "should alleviate liquidity pressures" that were identified during a broad review of the policy.
Speech by Michael Moskow, President, Chicago Fed
SPEECH - Speech by Michael H. Moskow, President and CEO, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago at FABTECH International 2001, McCormick Place-South, Chicago, Illinois, 13 November.
Former US official proposes solvency crisis fund
ARGENTINA - While Argentina's perilous brush with bankruptcy has sparked a renewed debate on the idea of officially-sanctioned debt standstills, a former top official of the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department on Monday proposed another way of…
Speech by William Poole of the St. Louis Fed Bank
SPEECH - Speech by William Poole, President, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis at the Session on: "How Transparent Should a Central Bank Be?" The Philadelphia Fed Policy Forum, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 30 November…
Two new Fed governors will attend policy meeting
US - Two new governors will take part in the Federal Reserve's interest-rate deliberations tomorrow.
US central bank HQ anthrax-free - fed reserve
US - The US Federal Reserve headquarters in Washington has been declared anthrax-free after testing negative for the germ, a spokesman said.
Speech by Laurence Meyer of the Federal Reserve
SPEECH - Remarks by Governor Laurence H. Meyer of the Federal Reserve Board at the Distinguished Lecture Program, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania, 5 December.
Speech by Federal Reserve Governor Ed Gramlich
SPEECH - Remarks by Federal Reserve Governor Edward M. Gramlich at the New Technologies and Monetary Policy International Symposium, Bank of France, Paris, France, 30 November.
Anthrax found in Federal Reserve mail facility
US - The Federal Reserve Board that sets U.S. interest rates and guides the world's most powerful economy, announced on Thursday that mail possibly contaminated with anthrax had been found at its off-site postal facility set up to head off suspect mail.
U.S. Senate okays Bies, Olson to Fed board
US - The U.S. Senate on Thursday confirmed the nominations of bankers Susan Schmidt Bies and Mark Olson to the seven-member Federal Reserve Board, whose most visible job is setting U.S. interest rates.
Report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
REPORT - A slight increase in the nation's economic growth for 2002 is anticipated by participants at the Chicago Fed's Economic Outlook Symposium. The group provided forecasts for major components of real GDP and other key statistics.
Speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
SPEECH - Remarks by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan at George Washington University, the Robert P. Maxon Lecture, Washington, D.C. 3 December.
Chicago Fed finds U.S. economic gloom deepening
US - An index tracking U.S. economic activity fell in October to its lowest level since the last recession, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago said on Wednesday.
Speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
SPEECH - Remarks by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan before the Euro 50 Group Roundtable, Washington, D.C., 30 November.
Greenspan says little doubt euro a sound currency
US - A belief that U.S. productivity, or output per worker, will continue to outstrip Europe's accounts for more robust demand for dollars over euros, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said in a speech on Friday.
Speech by Laurence Meyer of the Federal Reserve
SPEECH - Remarks by Governor Laurence H. Meyer of the Federal Reserve Board before the National Association of Business Economics, St. Louis, Missouri, 27 November.
Federal Reserve Board - Beige Book
REPORT - Prepared at the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond and based on information collected before November 19, 2001. This document summarizes comments received from business and other contacts outside the Federal Reserve and is not a commentary on the…
Fed survey finds further slowing of the economy
USA - Contradicting growing confidence elsewhere that the recession is bottoming out, a Federal Reserve survey found more signs of further slowing than of recovery.
FOMC officials say they're armed and ready
US - Federal Reserve officials are seeking to quell suspicions they're running out of manoeuvring room.
ECB may see rotating scheme with new members
GERMANY - The European Central Bank's policy making council might opt for a system similar to that of the U.S. Federal Reserve once the single currency area expands, ECB President Wim Duisenberg said on Friday 23 November.
Speech by Robert Parry of the San Francisco Fed
SPEECH - Speech by President and CEO Robert T. Parry of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco to the UC Berkeley 24th Annual Real Estate and Economics Symposium, 19 November.
Parry: Q4 fall off in econ likely sharper than Q3
US - The downturn in high-tech business has been particularly rough for the San Francisco Bay area, where unemployment and commercial vacancies have been rapidly on the rise, said San Francisco Federal Reserve President Robert Parry Monday 19 November.
Federal Reserve Bulletin - November 2001
RESEARCH - The Economic Performance of Small Banks, 1985-2000 by William F. Bassett and Thomas F. Brady.
Speech by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan
SPEECH - Remarks by Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan at the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, Rice University, Houston, Texas, 13 November.