Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
FOMC forward guidance adds to 'market confusion', say leading US economists
The Fed lacks 'clearly formulated' normalisation strategy, paper to be published by Central Banking argues; calls for adherence to 'disciplined inflation targeting rule'
FOMC members too bullish on growth, researchers at San Francisco Fed say
‘Persistent overoptimism' about future growth since financial crisis may be due to overestimation of monetary policy efficacy following a balance-sheet recession, authors find
Upbeat Fed statement keeps mid-year rate hike alive
Federal Reserve keeps policy on hold but delivers a positive account of US economy, suggesting inflation will return to target over medium term despite oil price drop
Plosser: Regular monetary reports would force FOMC to ‘think more deeply’
Philadelphia Fed president Charles Plosser sets out why the Federal Reserve should publish a quarterly monetary policy report – part of which he and colleagues have already modelled
Fed earns $116bn on QE assets in 2014
Regional Fed banks transfer just under $100bn in earnings to US Treasury, a 27% increase on the previous year; operating expenses totalled $3.6bn
FOMC member says ‘very low' inflation provides ‘ample justification' for patience on rate hike
Eric Rosengren highlights ‘unusual set of conditions' as Fed looks to normalise policy stance; says low inflation globally may prompt an atypically gradual normalisation process
Fed signals rate hike despite drop in inflation
Minutes suggest Fed will tighten policy despite expecting inflation to remain below target for 'some time'; rate hike unlikely for 'at least the next couple of meetings'
Fed changes forward guidance
Janet Yellen says FOMC ‘can be patient' in normalising monetary policy, but says new language does not signal change in outlook; Fisher, Plosser and Kocherlakota dissent
Kocherlakota announces Fed departure
Minneapolis Fed president and FOMC dove to step down when his term draws to a close in February 2016
Fisher: Fed should let security holdings 'roll off' at maturity
Dallas Fed president plans to urge FOMC colleagues to ‘think more outside the box' during final four months in office
Dallas Fed president Richard Fisher to step down March 19
Fisher is the second recent dissenter on the FOMC to leave in less than two months; Was required by law to step down before April 30
Kocherlakota wants FOMC to stress target symmetry
Minneapolis Fed president wants FOMC to clarify inflation objective; also calls for adoption of benchmark two-year time horizon for returning inflation to target
Fisher ‘encouraged’ by FOMC guidance
Dallas Fed president Richard Fisher welcomes FOMC statement last week; believes ‘flight pattern’ of US economy is toward higher employment and inflation at the 2% target
Kocherlakota explains dissent from FOMC decision to end asset purchases
Minneapolis Fed president says downside risks to inflation outlook ‘arguably worse' than a year ago; says evidence from Japan and Europe shows need to act on 'an ongoing basis'
People: William English switches Fed roles; Argentina central bank adds new senior staff
William English will step down as director of the Fed board’s division of monetary affairs, but will remain as adviser; Central Bank of Argentina gets new director and general manager
New York Fed’s Potter fleshes out normalisation plans
Vice-president responsible for open market operations gives details on how the Fed will use interest on excess reserves and reverse repos to raise its interest rate
Kocherlakota suggests two-year timetable on 2% target
Minneapolis Fed President says lack of a time frame suggests 'appropriate monetary policy might engender inflation that is far from the 2% target for years at a time'
Philadelphia Fed president Charles Plosser to retire
Vocal critic of unconventional monetary policies to leave FOMC in March 2015; Yellen says she will miss ‘keen insights, deep analysis and good humour'
FOMC's Lacker denounces committee's new normalisation principles
Richmond Fed president says FOMC expectation not to sell MBS as part of balance sheet reduction flies in the face of half-a-century's worth of Fed practice
FOMC to raise rates before shrinking balance sheet
Federal Reserve unveils principles for policy ‘normalisation' as members' calls for rate hike grow louder; normalisation not necessarily expected to 'begin soon'
Philadelphia Fed's Plosser fears ‘risky' FOMC strategy on interest rates
Regional Fed president does not want to wait to increase rates until job market has ‘completely healed'; calls for overhaul of forward guidance
Yellen says rate hike ‘could come sooner than currently expected'
Fed chair acknowledges ‘considerable uncertainty' about level of US slack on FOMC, prompted by labour market changes that 'have yet to be understood'
FOMC members ‘increasingly uncomfortable' with Fed's forward guidance
Members are interpreting recent economic upturn very differently, new minutes show; views differ on how to communicate labour market improvements to the public
Book notes: Deliberating American Monetary Policy, by Cheryl Schonhardt-Bailey
Using recordings of meetings of not only the FOMC but also of the House Financial Services Committee and the Senate Banking Committee, the book tries to understand how monetary policy is decided