Bank of Spain
Precautionary price stickiness: Bank of Spain paper
Bank of Spain working paper uses two models to assess price setting
Spain learns from the past; working paper
Analysis of monetary system in the 1800s shows contraction in the money supply had a milder effect on the economy than expected
Spain’s Ordóñez emphasises need for labour market reforms
Bank of Spain governor Miguel Fernández Ordóñez says most pressing task for Spain lies in its labour market
IMF urges further Spanish reforms
IMF mission to Spain says authorities have implemented strong fiscal and structural reforms to aid recovery, but plans need to be strengthened
Spain’s Ordóñez on how to reap benefits from stress tests
Bank of Spain governor Miguel Fernández Ordóñez says stress tests helped increase transparency in banking sector
Markets wobble as Spanish downgrade, eurozone fears bite
Moody’s one notch Spanish downgrade exacerbates investor jitters a day before European Council meets to discuss EFSF, ESM, bailout renegotiations
€100 billion of caja loans could go bad: Bank of Spain
Bank of Spain releases details of savings banks’ exposures to real estate sector, levels of provisions; says reforms have addressed slew of underlying problems
Spanish banks’ ECB reliance drops
Spanish banks’ borrowing from European Central Bank declines just over 20% compared to December
Spain should consider regulatory overhaul: FSB peer review
Financial Stability Board peer review calls for Spanish authorities to consider new regulatory structure once market turmoil has subsided; separate review of Italy also published
What Basel III means to us
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published the final text of Basel III on December 16, which introduces new minimum capital requirements, two liquidity ratios, a charge for credit value adjustment and a leverage ratio, among other things. Risk…
Spain’s Aríztegui on savings banks mergers
Bank of Spain deputy governor Javier Aríztegui discusses institutional protection schemes
Spain’s banking sector different from Ireland: Ariztegui
Bank of Spain deputy governor Javier Ariztegui says Spanish banking sector faces different challenges than seen in Ireland
Make the right decision: Spain’s Ordóñez to Dublin
Governor of the Bank of Spain suggests Irish officials ask for help as fears grow that Dublin’s resistance to a bailout will trigger contagion
No alternative to bail-in capital: Bank's Tucker
Bank of England's Paul Tucker attacks bankers' concerns that bail-in capital will rattle investors; Sweden's Ingves says conversions achievable
Spanish bank borrowing from ECB continues to balloon
Spanish banks continue to depend on European Central Bank after stress tests exposed capital shortfalls
Price stability rightly remains sole focus of monetary policy: IMF
Fund directors say macroprudential measures, rather than monetary policy tools, should deliver financial stability; propose measures including dynamic provisioning framework
Spanish banks' reliance on ECB rockets again
Bank of Spain data shows the country’s lenders borrowed 48% more from the European Central Bank in June than in May; figures renew worry on sector’s health, but government remains adamant
Expectations drive house prices
Bank of Spain research finds expectations on both monetary policy and future productivity influence house prices
United States vs the euro area
Bank of Spain research examines where monetary policy has the greater real impact
A spring-cleaning for the Eurosystem
As the Eurosystem prepares for the arrival of new members, it has first to attend to some housekeeping. A report by Nick Carver