
Japan gov't panel starts debate on BOJ policy

JAPAN - The Council on Economic and Fiscal Policy has started talks on the direction of monetary policy, set by the Bank of Japan, as a way of stemming deflation, and will likely issue a set of proposals in September calling for further credit easing.

Japanese financial regulator reprimands ING Baring

JAPAN - ING Barings Japan, the investment bank, has been reprimanded by the Financial Services Agency (FSA), the country's chief banking regulator, for issuing inaccurate and misleading research, and has also been ordered to tighten internal compliance…

French/German growth difference not structural

GERMANY - France's economic growth has outpaced that of Germany for several years recently but the stronger growth was due to special, not structural factors and the gap should narrow in the future, the Bundesbank said on 16 August.

An anxious countdown to new euro cash

BELGIUM - BELGIUM - In two weeks, thousands of armoured trucks will fan out across Europe to start supplying banks with crisp bills and shiny coins denominated in euros, the single continental currency that will replace the German mark, the French franc…

Japanese investor waits for Slovak approval

SLOVAKIA - Japanese company Japan Grade One Co Ltd. that wants to buy Devin banka through a 3-billion SKK capital injection has submitted all necessary documents to the National Bank of Slovakia (NBS) that the central bank needs to officially acknowledge…

Bank of Japan targets deflation

JAPAN - Japan's central bank is ready to consider further steps to bolster the country's troubled economy, with an inflation target now a possibility, according to top finance officials.

Back to Bretton Woods

UK - The anti-globalisation protesters have a point, argues Felix Rohatyn a former US ambassador to France, in the London edition of the Financial Times, 20 August. It is time to reform the IMF and World Bank, he says.

Turkish police silence chained protester

TURKEY - Turkish police on 20 August detained a man who chained himself to iron railings outside Prime Minister Bulent Ecevit's office in protest at a hard-hitting economic crisis, state-run Anatolian news agency said.

Thailand rejects IMF interest rate advice

THAILAND - Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra on 17 August rebuffed an IMF suggestion that Thailand should not rule out cutting interest rates, saying rates were already low enough despite the need to boost the faltering economy.

Philippines Arroyo says peso speculators face jail

PHILIPPINES - Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo said on 17 August the peso had rebounded because of the central bank's crackdown on currency speculation and warned speculators of harsh punishment, up to life imprisonment, in the future.

Cavallo aide pleads for patience on IMF

ARGENTINA - Market expectations on the speed of talks between Argentina and the International Monetary Fund on an expected multibillion-dollar aid package are "a bit exaggerated," an aide to Economy Minister Domingo Cavallo told local radio on 16 August.

Are central bankers too territorial?

UK - A letter published in today's, 17 August, London edition of the Financial Times claims that central bankers hide behind their independence and protect their own turf.

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