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HSBC Reserve Management Trends 2020
Discipline: Reserve management, Foreign exchange, Central Banks
No of pages: 240
First published:
ISBN: 978 1 78272 985 3
Since its first publication in 2005, HSBC Reserve Management Trends has supplied an insight into the practices and methods applied by reserve managers across the world. Now in its 16th edition, this key guide continues to provide reserve managers and the stakeholder community with invaluable insights into the practices, expectations and outlook of the global reserve management community.
The book includes extensive analysis in a survey of 74 reserve managers responsible for more than $6 trillion on subjects such as Covid-19, asset allocation, tranching, derivative use, custody selection, currency preferences, socially responsible investing, and risk management.
Chapters from central bank experts and the broader reserve management community cover: climate risk, benchmark replication, data systems for reserves and ALM framework.
The book includes an exclusive interview with the head of reserve management at the Central Bank of the Philippines, Ma. Ramona GDT Santiago.
Click here to view other editions in the HSBC Reserve Management Trends content hub
Executive summary
Trends in reserve management: 2020 survey results
Interview: Ma. Ramona Santiago
Scoring climate risks: which countries are the most resilient?
A hundred ways to skin a cat – or some practical thoughts on benchmark replication
Developing a sovereign ALM framework: a case study of Mauritius
Developing an integrated information system for reserve management: the experience of Peru
Appendix 1: Survey questionnaire
Appendix 2: Survey responses and comments
Appendix 3: Reserve statistics