
Why attitudes to gold have changed

Jill Leyland investigates why the events of recent years, in particular the financial crisis, have tipped the balance away from net official sector selling towards net buying of gold.

How Ireland is reforming its central bank

A change of leadership offers Ireland’s central bank an opportunity to assert its independence from the country’s much maligned political and banking elite. It is doing much to grasp it, Claire Jones finds.

Official-sector balance sheets after the crisis

In the third of Central Banking’s web seminar series, Daniel Gros, Ken Wattret and Tim Young discussed how official sector balance sheets have changed, the new challenges policymakers face and how to overcome them

A future for the SDR?

Richard Cooper looks at whether the SDR could substitute for the dollar as a global reserve currency

Follow the money

Monetary aggregates are set for a comeback in central banking, but as indicators of financial instability, not inflation. Claire Jones reports

How China is empowering the boardroom

Sound corporate governance is essential if future financial crises are to be avoided. Liao Min and Rui Wang of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) explain how the commission is developing guidelines to make this happen

When experts fail

Frank Vibert explores the lessons of the crisis for regulators. The key is not to re-politicise markets but to improve the disciplines that regulators follow

When to exit?

In Central Banking’s second webinar, sponsored by BNP Paribas Securities Services, Charles Goodhart, Lucrezia Reichlin, Paul Mortimer-Lee and Gabriel Stein discussed when central banks should raise rates

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