Sovereign Wealth

Interview with Donghyun Park

Donghyun Park, a senior economist at the Asian Development Bank, discusses reserve management post-crisis and fostering demand in Asia

How Hong Kong handled the crisis

Joseph Yam, the chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority discusses the global policy response to crisis, Hong Kong’s relationship with China and reserve management in Asia.

Dubai joins Long-Term Investors Club

The Investment Corporation of Dubai, the investment arm of the government of Dubai, has joined the Long-Term Investors Club, a group of public-sector investment bodies.

Taking Santiago forward: a 12-point plan

Sven Behrendt, an associate scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, presents a blueprint for a 12-point action plan on how the International Working Group of Sovereign Wealth Funds could move forward with the industry code of conduct…

Goodyear in after bad year at Temasek

Chip Goodyear, a former chief executive at BHP Billiton, a mining company, is to replace Ho Ching, the wife of Singapore's prime minister, as chief executive of Temasek, the city state's sovereign wealth fund.

SWF nations poor on governance: SF Fed's Glick

A considerable gulf exists between the governance standards of the economies in which sovereign wealth funds have been established and the standards of the industrial economies in which they are seeking to invest, a paper co-authored by Reuven Glick, the…

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