China says gold exchange venue not set
China's central bank said on Tuesday it had not decided where to set up the first national gold exchange, denying a newspaper report it would be located in Shanghai.
Anglo sees no immediate impact of Zambia controls
Mining giant Anglo American Plc said on Wednesday its business interests in Zambia would not be affected immediately by the country's decision to impose limited foreign exchange controls.
Speculators eroding Nigerian naira's
The Central Bank of Nigeria said on Tuesday it had provided a total of $6.7 billion in funding for the domestic foreign exchange market this year but that speculators had robbed the economy of the benefits.
Zambia sets forex controls to help kwacha
Zambia's central bank introduced limited foreign exchange controls on Tuesday to stem the decline in its currency this year, drawing swift protests from companies in the country.
Ukraine mulls relaunching currency futures
Ukraine may relaunch its currency futures market next year but the central bank will still hold the foreign exchange market in a tight grip, a senior central bank official said on Tuesday.
Yugoslavia an IMF member, to receive $100m-Dinkic
Yugoslavia will have $100m at its disposal on the basis of gold reserves, which Former Yugoslavia has in the Bank of International Settlements in Basel, Mladjan Dinkic, Yugoslav National Bank governor, announced this evening.
Venezuela to slow bolivar depreciation in 2001
Venezuela's central bank will announce a slower depreciation rate of the bolivar currency and possibly a new central parity rate within the next two weeks, senior bank officials said Thursday.
S. Korea to end certain exchange controls in 2001
The South Korean government will end restrictions on the amount of foreign currency travellers can take out next year, but those who carry more than US$50,000 should first secure Bank of Korea approval, the finance and economy ministry said Thursday.
IMF says zloty interventions OK to help reserves
The International Monetary Fund on Wednesday said Poland's central bank could consider foreign exchange intervention to maintain the ratio of foreign reserves to hard currency liabilities.
Hungary forint regime may change, says minister
Hungary's foreign exchange regime, built around a 4.5% wide flotation band and a crawling peg devaluation, may change next year, finance minister designate Mihaly Varga said on Wednesday.
International reserve level still strong, says BNM
Bank Negara Malaysia said its international reserves have declined by only RM1.8 billion since end-1999. From The Business Times (Malaysia)
BIS says US gold scheme suit 'without merit'
The Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements rejected as baseless on Tuesday a US lawsuit alleging the BIS conspired with central banks and major international investment houses to keep the price of gold low.
Failure to reach agreement over ex-Yugo gold
The governors and vice-governors of central banks which emerged after the break-up of the former Yugoslav federation failed to reach an agreement on the distribution of gold and foreign currency reserves at the International Bank for Settlements in Basel…
Belgrade sees progress in dividing ex-Yugo gold
Yugoslavia said on Monday it hoped to quickly reach a deal with other members of the old six-member Balkan federation on dividing up gold assets held with the Bank of International Settlements.
Latvian central bank intervened in currency market
The Bank of Latvia has intervened in the currency market and sold $3.5m, Andrejs Viks, central bank currency operations foreign reserves portfolio head said.
Sri Lanka mkt surprised by rupee band adjustment
The Sri Lankan central bank's third one-off adjustment of the rupee trading band Monday - amid rocketing import costs - took the markets by surprise once again.
China to put gold mkt In Shanghai, timing unclear
Central bank officials Monday said China's first communist-era gold market will be set up in Shanghai, but they declined to say when.
Iran central bank allocates $1bn to private sector
Central Bank of Iran announced that it has allocated $1bn to the private sector. The money was drawn from the foreign exchange reserve fund which was set up to deposit surplus oil revenues.
Welteke - cannot say yet if euro turned around
Bundesbank President Ernst Welteke on Thursday said he could not tell whether the euro has already turned the corner, adding that the currency's further performance depended on US economic growth.
Macedonia seeks bigger share of Yugoslav gold
Governor of the Central Bank of Macedonia Ljube Trpeski said that Macedonia and Bosnia-Herzegovina will request the Bank for International Settlements in Basel to change the formula for sharing of foreign currency reserves in gold of the former National…
Yugo cenbank plans managed float for dinar in 2001
Yugoslavia's central bank said on Wednesday it was planning to abandon its rigid fixed exchange rate policy in 2001 and move to a managed float for the dinar.
Cyprus prepares to dismantle interest rate regime
Cyprus is preparing a major shake-up of its financial markets in January to remove measures left over from its days as a British colony and to shore up its economy prior to joining the European Union.
Bangladesh Bank to increase forex reserves
Bangladesh Bank, the country's central bank, has launched a vigorous move to replenish the country's emaciated foreign exchange reserve by relaxing its regulation on remittances, the United News of Bangladesh reported on Tuesday.